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mechanical and aerospace engineering

Mar 28, 2016

Metal Foam Protects From Fire and Heat Twice as Well as Plain Metal

Light-weight composite metal foams (CMFs) are significantly more effective at insulating against high heat than the conventional base metals and alloys that they’re made of, such as steel. The CMF is especially promising for use in storing and transporting nuclear material, hazardous materials, explosives and other heat-sensitive materials, as well as for space exploration. 

Mar 14, 2016

Engineering Researchers Help NASA Learn More From the Stars

Telescopes created in the Precision Engineering Consortium (PEC) in NC State’s College of Engineering will help NASA scientists gain a better understanding of the process by which dense regions within molecular clouds in interstellar space, referred to as stellar nurseries, collapse to form stars. The region of interest is stars that are 2,500 light years away from the earth – meaning the light reaching the telescope left the star 2,500 years ago. 

Dec 16, 2015

New Metamaterial Manipulates Sound to Improve Acoustic Imaging

Researchers have developed a metamaterial made of paper and aluminum that can manipulate acoustic waves to more than double the resolution of acoustic imaging, focus acoustic waves, and control the angles at which sound passes through the metamaterial. 

Nov 5, 2015

Hassan’s Giving Takes Flight

Mechanical and aerospace engineering professor Hassan A. Hassan has spent most of his career at NC State and recently established the Hassan Family Fellowship to provide two-year stipends for master’s candidates and four-year stipends for Ph.D. candidates in the College of Engineering. 

Oct 12, 2015

Dielectric Film Has Refractive Index Close to Air for Photonics Applications

Researchers have developed a dielectric film that has optical and electrical properties similar to air, but is strong enough to be incorporated into electronic and photonic devices – making them both more efficient and more mechanically stable. 

Aug 18, 2015

Proof-Of-Concept Study Shows Potential for Using Ultrasound to Detect Early Signs of Preterm Labor

An international team of researchers has conducted a proof-of-concept study that raises the possibility of using ultrasound techniques to detect cervical stiffness changes that indicate an increased risk of preterm labor in pregnant women. 

Jul 17, 2015

Study Finds Metal Foams Capable of Shielding X-rays, Gamma Rays, Neutron Radiation

Research shows lightweight composite metal foams are effective at blocking X-rays, gamma rays and neutron radiation, and are capable of absorbing the energy of high impact collisions. The finding means metal foams hold promise for use in nuclear safety, space exploration and medical technology applications. 

Jul 13, 2015

Researchers Find Nanowires Have Unusually Pronounced ‘Anelastic’ Properties

Researchers have found that nanoscale wires (nanowires) made of common semiconductor materials have a pronounced anelasticity – meaning that the wires, when bent, return slowly to their original shape rather than snapping back quickly. 

Jun 16, 2015

Researchers Create Transparent, Stretchable Conductors Using Nano-Accordion Structure

Researchers have created stretchable, transparent conductors that work because of the structures’ “nano-accordion” design. The conductors could be used in applications such as flexible electronics, stretchable displays or wearable sensors. 

Apr 27, 2015

Lightweight Membrane Can Significantly Reduce In-Flight Aircraft Noise

Riding in a helicopter or airplane can be a noisy experience for passengers. But researchers have developed a membrane that can be incorporated into aircraft to drastically reduce the low-frequency noise that penetrates the cabin. 

Jan 23, 2015

New Technique Helps Probe Performance of Organic Solar Cell Materials

Researchers have developed a way to determine the role that a material’s structure has on the efficiency of organic solar cells, which are candidates for low-cost, next generation solar power. The finding will help guide future research and development efforts. 

Jan 20, 2015

Wearable Sensor Smooths Path to Long-Term EKG, EMG Monitoring

Researchers have developed a wearable sensor that uses silver nanowires to monitor electrophysiological signals. The sensor is as accurate as the “wet electrode” sensors used in hospitals for EKGs and EMGs, but can be used for long-term monitoring and is more accurate than existing sensors when a patient is moving. 

Dec 8, 2014

Nanoparticle Allows Low-Cost Creation of 3-D Nanostructures

Researchers have developed a new lithography technique that uses nanoscale spheres to create 3-D structures with biomedical, electronic and photonic applications. 

Apr 28, 2014

Hunt Is Home to Animatronic Wolf

Using 3-D scanning technology, computer-aided design software and good old-fashioned elbow grease, two engineering students create a capstone project for the ages: an animatronic timber wolf for the high-tech Hunt Library. 

Nov 7, 2013

First in the Future of Flight

NC State researchers hope Vireo, an unmanned aviation vehicle barely larger than a football, will make big contributions to agriculture, law enforcement and first responders. Join us for a test flight.