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mechanical and aerospace engineering

Mar 7, 2011

Ferguson Receives NSF Career Award

Dr. Scott M. Ferguson, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, has received a Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation. 

Dec 15, 2010

Zikry Appointed to Smith Professorship

Dr. Mohammed A. Zikry has been appointed the inaugural Zan Prevost Smith Distinguished Professor in Mechanical Engineering. 

Nov 5, 2010

Extreme Makeover

Inside a makeshift garage, a team of NC State students moves hurriedly around a stripped-down SUV, working diligently under the watchful eye of three Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering graduate students. It's a race against the clock - as well as teams from 15 other universities across North America - to retool their ride into an energy-efficient, EcoCAR Challenge award winner. 

Sep 16, 2010

Dedicated to Progress

NC State dedicated a new 248,000-square-foot Engineering Building III on Centennial Campus. It was an occasion for celebrating and reminiscing about how the program has evolved. 

Jul 29, 2010

Grants Support Green Jobs Training

NC State received grants totaling $1.7 million from the North Carolina Energy Office to provide undergraduate and graduate students with hands-on experience and training for jobs in the state’s energy economy, including “green-energy” fields. 

May 18, 2010

Flying High

When the world's most fuel-efficient commercial airliner was introduced late last year, it was only fitting that an NC State alumnus was on hand to celebrate alongside industry leaders. Zachery Jones ('08), said his accomplishments in the workplace can be directly attributed to the educational opportunities he found at NC State. 

Mar 4, 2010

Fueling His Passion

Tim Turner is a baby boomer on a crusade, trying to refine a process that can turn animal fat and waste grease into hydrocarbon fuels. He developed the process three years ago with three NC State professors. Although Turner could be mistaken for a professor himself, he's actually a 57-year-old graduate student embarking on a career in the green economy. 

Nov 12, 2009

Physics of Free Throws

Two NC State engineers have figured out the best way to shoot a free throw – a frequently underappreciated skill that gets more important as the game clock winds down.