Go Smart and Take the Challenge
Leave your car at home and win a laptop, commuter bike or even cash. Log your carpool, cycle or bus trips in the new GoTriangle Commute Calendar to qualify in the new Smart Commute Challenge 2012. The challenge, which runs from Sept. 1 to Oct. 15, is hosted by GoTriangle, which serves as a regional partnership linking the Triangle’s local transit service providers.
To qualify for those terrific prizes, contestants must pledge to try carpooling, biking, taking the bus or teleworking at least one time between Sept. 1 and Oct. 15. The following resources will help:
An online ride-matching service links you with people living nearby with similar work hours to help facilitate carpooling.
Smart commuters can check bus commutes by calling 485-RIDE or use the new online trip planner to find bike routes and how to rack your bike on the bus.
And as an additional incentive there are weekly challenges including Pedal vs. Metal (Sept. 10 to 16), Try Transit Week (Sept. 17 to 23), Parking Week (Sept. 24 to 30) and Battle of the Brains (Oct. 1 to 15). All victors will be announced by phone or email.
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