Thursday is the first of four move-in days for students arriving on campus for the fall semester.
Or, as faculty and staff like to call them, wish-I-could-work-from-home days.
There will likely be traffic congestion and pedestrian activity on main campus through the weekend, with some parking areas closed for thru-traffic and parking until Sunday.
If you happen to be here, remember to be patient, kind and welcoming.
Employee Parking Closures
- No parking on Baver Drive
- No parking in the Student Services Lot (Harris/Pullen halls)
- No parking at Bragaw, Lee, Sullivan residence halls
- No parking on Cates Avenue from Talley Student Union to Dan Allen Drive
- 17 “C” parking spaces on Warren Carroll Drive will be reserved
Alternate Parking Areas
- Dan Allen Deck
- Coliseum Deck
- Jeter Bays Lot
- Carmichael Lot
- “C” spaces on East Cates Avenue (in front of Derr Track)
- Central Campus Lot (behind Student Health Services)
- Categories: