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Tracey Peake

Mar 4, 2008

Preserving the Hemlock

As part of an ongoing effort to preserve the imperiled eastern hemlock tree species, researchers from North Carolina State University have successfully located the most genetically diverse populations of the species in the southern portion of its range. They hope that by collecting the seeds from these trees the species–which is suffering both from insect… 

Mar 3, 2008

NC State Researchers Attempt to Preserve Eastern Hemlock from Extinction

As part of an ongoing effort to preserve the imperiled eastern hemlock tree species, researchers from North Carolina State University have successfully located the most genetically diverse populations of the species in the southern portion of its range. They hope that by collecting the seeds from these trees the species–which is suffering both from insect… 

Feb 27, 2008

Cancers in Dogs, Humans Share Same Genetic Basis, Say Researchers

Cancer researchers at North Carolina State University and the University of Minnesota have found that humans and dogs share more than friendship and companionship – they also share the same genetic basis for certain types of cancer.  Furthermore, the researchers say that because of the way the genomes have evolved, getting cancer may be inevitable… 

Feb 21, 2008

NC State Will Break Ground on Greek Village Feb. 22

North Carolina State University will hold a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Greek Village on Friday, Feb. 22, at 11:15 a.m. 

Feb 8, 2008

NC State to Break Ground on New Greek Village Feb. 22

North Carolina State University will hold a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Greek Village on Friday, Feb. 22, at 11:15 a.m. The ceremony will be held adjacent to the Alpha Delta Pi House at 2309 South Fraternity Court. 

Jan 29, 2008

Rebuilding a Zoo – From 6,000 Miles Away

As Iraq’s Baghdad Zoo regains its popularity with the public, veterinarians from North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Zoo are offering advice and assistance via a virtual link to classes and experts both on campus and in the field. 

Jan 11, 2008

NC State’s King Commemoration Set for Jan. 16

North Carolina State University’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. commemoration will be held Wednesday, Jan. 16. The campus commemoration will take place at noon in Stewart Theatre and will feature Dr. Dwight N. Hopkins, professor of theology at the University of Chicago’s Divinity School. Hopkins, whose work focuses on the ties between religion and… 

Jan 11, 2008

NC State’s King Commemoration Set for Jan. 16

North Carolina State University’s annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. commemoration will be held Wednesday, Jan. 16. The campus commemoration will take place at noon in Stewart Theatre and will feature Dr. Dwight N. Hopkins, professor of theology at the University of Chicago’s Divinity School. Hopkins, whose work focuses on the ties between religion and… 

Jan 4, 2008

NC State Offers Pet Behavior Workshop

What: North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine will conduct a workshop for dog and cat owners with questions about pet behavior problems. The workshop, “Living in Harmony with Your Pets: Behavior Principles for Pet Owners,” focuses on the special relationship people have with their companion animals. Using case examples and videos, Drs. Barbara…