Tracey Peake

Case Study: Bartonella, Babesia Co-Infection in Family Associated with Neurological Illnesses

Chornobyl Dogs’ Genetic Differences Not Due to Mutation

Scorching Climate Drove Lampreys Apart During Cretaceous Period

Enterococcus Helps E. Coli ‘Armor Up’ in Dog, Poultry Co-Infections

A Whale of a (Hearing) Test

Garden Produce Grown Near Fayetteville Works Fluorochemical Plant Contains GenX, Other PFAS

What Cancer Rates Across Animal Species Could Tell Us About Human Health

When is a Heat Wave Just a Heat Wave, and When is it Climate Change?

‘Old’ Star Could Provide New Insights into Star Evolution

It Could Take Over 40 Years for PFAS to Leave Groundwater

Lachnospiraceae Could Be Key to Successful Fecal Transplants

New Theory Demystifies Crystallization Process

New Tool Can Assess Elderly Dogs’ Frailty

Atmospheric Methane Increase During Pandemic Due Primarily to Wetland Flooding