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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Mar 20, 2013

North Carolina’s jobless rate inches up to 9.5 percent

North Carolina’s jobless rate inches up to 9.5 percent, Charlotte Observer, March 19, 2013. The state’s unemployment rate inched up in January as North Carolina’s labor force grew at a much faster rate than it created jobs. Michael Walden, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

NASAs Chandra reveals origin of Keplers supernova

NASAs Chandra reveals origin of Keplers supernova, Albuquerque Express, March 19, 2013. Data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory point to the origin of a famous supernova, discovered in 1604 by Johannes Kepler. Mary Burkey, physics, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

SMC’s Niles campus awaits $3M renovation, expansion

SMC’s Niles campus awaits $3M renovation, expansion, South Bend Tribune, WSBT-TV, March 19, 2013. The Niles area campus of Southwestern Michigan College is about to receive a $3 million face-lift and expansion of its academic program. Included will be Student-Centered Active LearningEnvironment for Undergraduate Programs (SCALE-UP) science labs designed by North Carolina State University through a National Science Foundation grant. 

Mar 20, 2013

Famous supernova reveals clues about crucial cosmic distance markers

Famous supernova reveals clues about crucial cosmic distance markers, Astronomy, March 19, 2013. Astronomers have used a long Chandra observation of the remnant of Kepler’s supernova to deduce that the supernova was triggered by an interaction between a white dwarf and a red giant star. Mary Burkey, physics, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

NCSU Research Shows Video Games Might be Useful for Grandma

NCSU Research Shows Video Games Might be Useful for Grandma, North Carolina Health News, March 20, 2013. NC State psychology professor coaxed his grandma into playing World of Warcraft, an online fantasy game, a few years ago when he found himself hanging out with his grandmother, who was then 75. Jason Allaire, psychology, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

Infrastructure protectionHidden dune filters treat coastal stormwater runoff

Infrastructure protectionHidden dune filters treat coastal stormwater runoff, Homeland Security Newswire, March 20, 2013. When it rains, untreated stormwater can sweep pollutants into coastal waters, potentially endangering public health. Now NC State researchers have developed low-cost filtration systems that are concealed beneath sand dunes and filter out most of the bacteria that can lead to beach closures. Michael Burchell,… 

Mar 20, 2013

White Horse Advisors Team Expands With Chris Rowen

White Horse Advisors Team Expands With Chris Rowen, WTVD-TV, March 19, 2013. White Horse Advisors, LLC is pleased to announce the hiring of Christopher Rowen, expanding our team that works with business owners and their exit planning needs. Chris earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from NC State University and his Master’s Degree from Georgia Institute of Technology. 

Mar 20, 2013

Researchers Devise Hidden Dune Filters to Treat Coastal …

Researchers Devise Hidden Dune Filters to Treat Coastal …, Science Daily, March 19, 2013. When it rains, untreated stormwater can sweep pollutants into coastal waters, potentially endangering public health. Now NC State researchers have developed low-cost filtration systems that are concealed beneath sand dunes and filter out most of the bacteria that can lead to beach closures. Michael Burchell,… 

Mar 20, 2013

Elderly People Who Play Video Games are Happier and Healthier

Elderly People Who Play Video Games are Happier and Healthier, Dubai Chronicle, March 2013. A new study from NC State University has found that older people should become regular gamers. Jason Allaire, psychology, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

Researchers devise hidden dune filters to treat coastal stormwater …

Researchers devise hidden dune filters to treat coastal stormwater …, Eureka! Science News, March 19, 2013. When it rains, untreated stormwater can sweep pollutants into coastal waters, potentially endangering public health. Now NC State researchers have developed low-cost filtration systems that are concealed beneath sand dunes and filter out most of the bacteria that can lead to beach… 

Mar 20, 2013

North Carolina State U To Offer MOOC for School District Leaders

North Carolina State U To Offer MOOC for School District Leaders, Campus Technology, March 19, 2013. The Alliance for Excellent Education and the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University have launched a massive open online course for educators (MOOC-Ed) called Digital Learning Transition, which is designed to help school district leaders develop a set of digital learning goals and… 

Mar 20, 2013

Arbovax’s Dengue vaccine is now ready for clinical trials

Arbovax’s Dengue vaccine is now ready for clinical trials, WRAL Tech Wire, March 19, 2013. Vaccine developer Arbovax, a spinout from NC State University, is now ready to test how its Dengue fever vaccine candidate works in humans.  Arbovax’s core technology was developed in NCSU’s department of Molecular and Structural Biochemistry. Dennis Brown and Raquel Hernandez, biochemistry, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

Hidden Dune Filters Used To Treat Coastal Stormwater Runoff

Hidden Dune Filters Used To Treat Coastal Stormwater Runoff, RedOrbit, March 19, 2013. When it rains, untreated stormwater can sweep pollutants into coastal waters, potentially endangering public health. NC State researchers have developed low-cost filtration systems that are concealed beneath sand dunes and filter out most of the bacteria that can lead to beach closures. Michael Burchell, biological… 

Mar 19, 2013

Chandra Help Astronomers Identify Kepler Supernova Triggers

Chandra Help Astronomers Identify Kepler Supernova Triggers, RedOrbit, March 19, 2013. NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory has identified the cause of Kepler’s supernova, the famous explosion first discovered by Johannes Kepler in 1604. Mary Burkey, physics, featured. 

Mar 19, 2013

Maurice York | Movers & Shakers 2013 — Tech Leaders

Maurice York | Movers & Shakers 2013 — Tech Leaders, Library Journal, March 19, 2013. When the cutting-edge James B. Hunt Jr. Library at NC State University opened in January 2013, the media went mad for BookBot, the high-tech library’s robotic book retrieval system. Maurice York, libraries, featured.