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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Mar 15, 2013

New Technique Creates Stronger, Lightweight Magnesium Alloys

New Technique Creates Stronger, Lightweight Magnesium Alloys, SpaceDaily, March 14, 2013. NC State researchers have developed a new technique for creating stronger, lightweight magnesium alloys that have potential structural applications in the automobile and aerospace industries. Suveen Mathaudhu and Yuntian Zhu, materials science and engineering, featured. 

Mar 15, 2013

Ultrastrong Magnesium Alloy through Nano-Spaced Stacking Faults

Ultrastrong Magnesium Alloy through Nano-Spaced Stacking Faults,, March 15, 2013. NC State researchers have developed a new technique for creating stronger, lightweight magnesium alloys that have potential structural applications in the automobile and aerospace industries. Suveen Mathaudhu and Yuntian Zhu, materials science and engineering, featured. 

Mar 15, 2013

North Carolina State University Solid Waste specialist Rhonda Sherman

North Carolina State University Solid Waste specialist Rhonda Sherman, Stabroek News – Guyana, March 15, 2013. North Carolina State University Solid Waste specialist Rhonda Sherman conducting a hands on workshop on making compost for farmers and kitchen garden ‘buffa’ at the St Stanislaus College  farm earlier this week.  Sherman is in Guyana on a Partners of the Americas… 

Mar 14, 2013

Documentary on NC’s Down Easters debuts; free screenings in …

Documentary on NC’s Down Easters debuts; free screenings in …, News & Observer, March 13, 2013. A new documentary by a group of filmmakers from N.C. State University about the cultural and economic struggles of a community of Down East commercial fishermen in Carteret County, premieres this week with free public screenings in Raleigh. Neal Hutcheson and… 

Mar 14, 2013

When hungry, Gulf of Mexico algae go toxic

When hungry, Gulf of Mexico algae go toxic, Science Codex, March 12, 2013. When Gulf of Mexico algae don’t get enough nutrients, they focus their remaining energy on becoming more and more poisonous to ensure their survival, according to a new study by scientists from North Carolina State University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.… 

Mar 14, 2013

Chocolate is Cheaper Lactose Source for Swine Diets

Chocolate is Cheaper Lactose Source for Swine Diets, National Hog Farmer, March 12, 2013. Lactose is an important ingredient of swine diets – but the source of digestible sugar has become costly in recent years. J. Guo, animal science, featured. 

Mar 14, 2013

RTI, NCSU researchers unlock heat mystery

RTI, NCSUresearchers unlock heat mystery, Triangle Business Journal, March 13, 2013. Researchers at RTI International and North Carolina State University have solved an electricity mystery that could mean more advanced cooling systems for electronics. James LeBeau, f materials science and engineering, featured. 

Mar 14, 2013

Chocolate could partially replace whey in swine diets

Chocolate could partially replace whey in swine diets, Feedstuffs, March 12, 2013. A sugar called lactose is an important part of swine diets. Lactose is a very digestible sugar, and producers like it because it helps pigs grow. J. Guo, animal science, featured. 

Mar 14, 2013

NAHB Room of the Year: NCSU Chancellor’s Kitchen with White Oak

NAHB Room of the Year: NCSU Chancellor’s Kitchen with White Oak, Hardwood Floors (blog), March 13, 2013. The white-oak-floored kitchen of Randy Woodson, chancellor of North Carolina State University, won the National Association of Home Builders Best in American Living Award for Room of the Year. 

Mar 14, 2013

Life in the Universe: Foundations of Carbon-Based Life Leave Little …

Life in the Universe: Foundations of Carbon-Based Life Leave Little …, Science Daily, March 13, 2013. Life as we know it is based upon the elements of carbon and oxygen. Now a team of physicists, including one from North Carolina State University, is looking at the conditions necessary to the formation of those two elements in the… 

Mar 14, 2013

Foundations of Carbon-Based Life Leave Little Room for Error

Foundations of Carbon-Based Life Leave Little Room for Error, Space Fellowship, March 13, 2013. Life as we know it is based upon the elements of carbon and oxygen. Now a team of physicists, including one from North Carolina State University, is looking at the conditions necessary to the formation of those two elements in the universe. Dean Lee,… 

Mar 14, 2013

New Technique Creates Stronger, Lightweight Magnesium Alloys

New Technique Creates Stronger, Lightweight Magnesium Alloys, RedOrbit, March 13, 2013. Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new technique for creating stronger, lightweight magnesium alloys that have potential structural applications in the automobile and aerospace industries. Suveen Mathaudhu andYuntian Zhu, materials science and engineering, featured. 

Mar 14, 2013

Crystal ‘fault lines’ triple strength of magnesium alloy

Crystal ‘fault lines’ triple strength of magnesium alloy, The Engineer, March 14, 2013. NC State researchers have developed a new technique for creating stronger, lightweight magnesium alloys that have potential structural applications in the automobile and aerospace industries. Suveen Mathaudhu and Yuntian Zhu, materials science and engineering, featured. 

Mar 13, 2013

Documentary about N.C. Down Easters debuts with free screenings in Raleigh

Documentary about N.C. Down Easters debuts with free screenings in Raleigh, News & Observer, March 12, 2013. A new documentary by a group of filmmakers from NC State University about the cultural and economic struggles of a community of Down East commercial fishermen in Carteret County, premieres this week with free public screenings in Raleigh. Neal Hutcheson… 

Mar 13, 2013

NC State chancellor says supporting education is critical

NC State chancellor says supporting education is critical, WECT-TV6, March 12. 2013. North Carolina State University Chancellor Randy Woodson was in Wilmington Tuesday to speak to the Rotary Club about the importance of higher education.