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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Mar 25, 2013

More people ‘have phones than toilets’

More people ‘have phones than toilets‘, Daily Nation, March 25, 2013. More people around the world have access to mobile phones than toilets, a United Nations study says. Matthew Polizzotto, soil science, featured. 

Mar 25, 2013

Startup Madness tips off at N.C. State

Startup Madness tips off at N.C. State, Triangle Business Journal (blog), March 22, 2013. March Madness isn’t the only thing ACC schools can get excited about. Startup Madness, a collegiate entrepreneurship competition, starts March 26 and 27 at the new James B. Hunt Jr. Library at NC State University – and it has nothing to do with basketball. 

Mar 22, 2013

Pols Push to Shutter Vermin-Infested Food Marts

Pols Push to Shutter Vermin-Infested Food Marts, Park Slope Patch, March 22, 2013. Inspectors noted rodent-defiled food during 162 inspections in Brooklyn in 2012, which concerns public health experts. Barbara Kowalcyk, food, bioprocessing & nutrition sciences, featured. 

Mar 22, 2013

Additional research must be done to ensure safety of pit latrines, new study says

Additional research must be done to ensure safety of pit latrines, new study says,, March 22, 2013. March 22, 2013. Researchers estimate the number of people worldwide that rely on pit latrines and go on to identify some key knowledge gaps that could be addressed to keep the drinking water safe and protect the… 

Mar 22, 2013

Additional research must be done to ensure safety of pit latrines, new study says

Additional research must be done to ensure safety of pit latrines, new study says, Bio-Medicine, March 22, 2013. Researchers estimate the number of people worldwide that rely on pit latrines and go on to identify some key knowledge gaps that could be addressed to keep the drinking water safe and protect the public. Matthew Polizzotto, soil… 

Mar 22, 2013

NCSU professor advises Swiss Bear board on sustainability plan

NCSU professor advises Swiss Bear board on sustainability plan, New Bern Sun Journal, March 21, 2013. NC State professor assists Swiss Bear Downtown Development Corp.’s  board members with looking at how they can keep downtown New Bern moving forward. Mary Tschirhart, Institute for NonProfits, featured. 

Mar 22, 2013

McCrory’s higher education budget draws criticism

McCrory’s higher education budget draws criticism, WTVD-TV, March 21, 2013. Some taxpayers are calling Gov. Pat McCrory’s budget plan absurd and shortsighted especially when it comes to higher education. The NC State University chancellor says the final impacts won’t be known for some time, but it is clear he has concerns. Chancellor Randy Woodson featured. 

Mar 22, 2013

Local magazine crazy for pets

Local magazine crazy for pets, The Apex Herald, March 22, 2013. Holly Springs resident, Jan Raymondi, has devoted a large portion of her life to animals, most specifically dogs. After years in academia, first at the University of Massachusetts and then North Carolina State University, she decided it was time to turn her passion into a… 

Mar 22, 2013

N.C. State economist says economic outlook is bright

N.C. State economist says economic outlook is bright, Baltimore Sun, March 21, 2013. NC State economist says based on leading indicators, the nation and state are in for an improved economy. Mike Walden, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Mar 22, 2013

Set your brackets: Startup Madness tips off in Raleigh

Set your brackets: Startup Madness tips off in Raleigh, WRAL Tech Wire, March 21, 2013. While basketball fans turn their attention to March Madness student entrepreneurs representing each of the ACC universities will focus on a different kind of competition: Startup Madness. The startup competition will be held on March 27 in the Hunt Library at… 

Mar 22, 2013

Christensen: A budget an accountant would love

Christensen: A budget an accountant would love, Charlotte Observer, March 21, 2013. Gov. Pat McCrory proposed a hold-the-line budget on that offered key clues about his still-fledgling governorship. Andrew Taylor, political science, featured. 

Mar 21, 2013

N.C. State economist says economic outlook is bright

N.C. State economist says economic outlook is bright, Chicago Tribune, March 21, 2013.  NC State economist says economic outlook is bright, Chicago Tribune, March 21, 2013. NC State economist says based on leading indicators, the nation and state are in for an improved economy. Mike Walden, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Mar 21, 2013

Blending tradition, high-tech

Blending tradition, high-tech, Charlotte Observer, Charlotte Observer, March 19, 2013. Tommy Lawing Jr., 64, blends tradition and technology to maintain a high profile for his 50-year-old real estate business. Lawing Jr. joined the company in 1971, after graduating from N.C. State University with a degree in economics. 

Mar 21, 2013

NC author speaks at USC media, civil rights event

NC author speaks at USC media, civil rights event, News & Observer, March 21, 2013. A history scholar from North Carolina State University is the keynote speaker at a symposium in Columbia on the media and civil rights history. Katherine Mellen Charron, history, featured. 

Mar 21, 2013

The News & Observer (Raleigh, N.C.), Rob Christensen column

The News & Observer (Raleigh, N.C.), Rob Christensen column, – Smart Grid, March 21, 2013. Gov. Pat McCrory proposed a hold-the-line budget that offered key clues about his still-fledgling governorship. Andrew Taylor, political science, featured.