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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Mar 21, 2013

Famous supernova reveals clues about crucial cosmic distance markers

Famous supernova reveals clues about crucial cosmic distance markers, Aerotech News and Review, March 20, 2013. A new study using data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory points to the origin of a famous supernova. This supernova, discovered in 1604 by Johannes Kepler, belongs to an important class of objects that are used to measure the rate of… 

Mar 21, 2013

Math prof: No magic formula for winning bracket

Math prof: No magic formula for winning bracket,, March 21, 2013. There are many theories on how to fill out an NCAA tournament bracket. Carl Meyer, mathematics, featured. 

Mar 21, 2013

N.C. State economist Mike Walden says economic outlook is bright

N.C. State economist Mike Walden says economic outlook is bright, Fayetteville Observer, March 21, 2013. NC State economist says based on leading indicators, the nation and state are in for an improved economy. Mike Walden, agricultural and resource economics, featured. 

Mar 21, 2013

Researchers develop dune infiltration system to treat coastal …

Researchers develop dune infiltration system to treat coastal …,, March 21, 2013. When it rains, untreated stormwater can sweep pollutants into coastal waters, potentially endangering public health. Now NC State researchers have developed low-cost filtration systems that are concealed beneath sand dunes and filter out most of the bacteria that can lead to beach closures. Michael Burchell,… 

Mar 21, 2013

NC author speaks at USC media, civil rights event

NC author speaks at USC media, civil rights event, Greenville Daily Reflector, March 21, 2013. An NC State history scholar is the keynote speaker at a symposium in Columbia on the media and civil rights history. Katherine Mellen Charron, history, featured. 

Mar 21, 2013

Researchers trap light, improve laser potential of MEH-PPV polymer

Researchers trap light, improve laser potential of MEH-PPV polymer, R & D Magazine, March 21, 2013. NC State researchers have come up with a low-cost way to enhance a polymer called MEH-PPV’s ability to confine light, advancing efforts to use the material to convert electricity into laser light for use in photonic devices. Lewis Reynolds, materials science… 

Mar 20, 2013

North Carolina State U To Offer MOOC for School District Leaders

North Carolina State U To Offer MOOC for School District Leaders, T.H.E. Journal, March 19, 2013. The Alliance for Excellent Education and the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University have launched a massive open online course for educators (MOOC-Ed) called Digital Learning Transition, which is designed to help school district leaders develop a set of digital learning goals and… 

Mar 20, 2013

‘Sandwich’ effect unlocks low-cost laser material

‘Sandwich’ effect unlocks low-cost laser material, Engineer Online, March 18, 2013. Researchers have developed a low-cost way to enhance MEH-PPV’s ability to confine light, advancing efforts to use the polymer to convert electricity into laser light for use in photonic devices. Lewis Reynolds, materials science and engineering, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

Video game power harnessed for positive goals

Video game power harnessed for positive goals, Business World, March 18, 2013. The immersive power of games is being used to encourage kids to develop healthy eating, help seniors maintain brain functions and even to tackle problems like poverty and climate change. Jason Allaire, psychology, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

Researchers improve laser potential of MEH-PPV polymer

Researchers improve laser potential of MEH-PPV polymer, R & D Magazine, March 18, 2013. NC State researchers have come up with a low-cost way to enhance a polymer called MEH-PPV’s ability to confine light, advancing efforts to use the material to convert electricity into laser light for use in photonic devices. Lewis Reynolds, materials science and engineering,… 

Mar 20, 2013

Sandwich halves energy needed for photons

Sandwich halves energy needed for photons, Electro Optics – Online, March 19, 2013. A polymer has been improved to make it more useful for converting electricity into laser light. Lewis Reynolds, materials science and engineering, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

Researchers devise hidden dune filters to treat coastal stormwater …

Researchers devise hidden dune filters to treat coastal stormwater …, Phys.Org, March 19, 2013. NC State researchers designed and built two dune filtration systems in Kure Beach, NC. Michael Burchell, biological and agricultural engineering, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

Famous Supernova Reveals Clues About Crucial Cosmic Distance Markers

Famous Supernova Reveals Clues About Crucial Cosmic Distance Markers, ScienceDaily, Mar. 18, 2013 — A new study using data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory points to the origin of a famous supernova. Mary Burkey, physics, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

Diamond-based Materials for Biomedical Applications – Woodhead Publishing Releases New Book

Diamond-based Materials for Biomedical Applications – Woodhead Publishing Releases New Book, AZoM, March 19, 2013. New book from Woodhead Publishing focuses on diamond applications in biomedicine. Roger Narayan, biomedical engineering, featured. 

Mar 20, 2013

Fiscal Woes Inflame Tensions Between Dems, Unions

Fiscal Woes Inflame Tensions Between Dems, Unions, WCAU-TV, March 19, 2013. In New York, state law allows unions to keep working under the terms of expired contracts. Richard Kearney, public & international affairs, featured.