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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Mar 6, 2013

Why your grandma should start playing Xbox

Why your grandma should start playing Xbox, The Week Magazine, March 6, 2013. NC State researchers looked closely at our aging population to see if there was a link between playing video games and mental well-being — i.e. “happiness.” In particular, they wondered if gaming could help stave off depression. Jason Allaire, psychology, featured. 

Mar 6, 2013

Gears of War Grandpa? Video Games May Help Boost Seniors …

Gears of War Grandpa? Video Games May Help Boost Seniors,  Counsel & Heal, March 6, 2013. NC State researchers surveyed 140 participants over the age of 63 and found that seniors who played video games, even just occasionally, reported higher levels of well-being. Jason Allaire, psychology, featured. 

Mar 6, 2013

UT, NC State share grant to improve produce safety

UT, NC State share grant to improve produce safety, Greenville Daily Reflector, March 6, 2013. The University of Tennessee and North Carolina State University will share a federal grant to improve the safety of organic produce. 

Mar 6, 2013

Tenn. and NC State improving safety of organics

Tenn. and NC State improving safety of organics, WCYB, March 6, 2013. North Carolina State University and The University of Tennessee are making strides to improve the safety of organic produce by sharing a federal grant. 

Mar 6, 2013

Old People who Play Video Games Report Greater Well-Being: Study

Old People who Play Video Games Report Greater Well-Being: Study, Nature World News, March 6, 2013. A study conducted by NC State researchers found that old people playing video games reported greater emotional well-being than people who didn’t play video games. Jason Allaire, psychology, featured. 

Mar 6, 2013

Call of Duty grandpa? Video games make seniors happier

Call of Duty grandpa? Video games make seniors happier,, March 6, 2013. Researchers from North Carolina State University have discovered that video games make old people happier, according to a news release from the university. Jason Allaire, psychology, featured. 

Mar 6, 2013

Research looks for organic-friendly wash solution

Research looks for organic-friendly wash solution, The Packer, March 6, 2013. Researchers at the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture and NC State University are involved with a multi-year study to find an effective postharvest washing solution for organic produce. Penelope Perkins-Veazie, horticultural science, featured. 

Mar 6, 2013

Research: Seniors Who Play Games Say They Have a Better Sense of Well-Being

Research: Seniors Who Play Games Say They Have a Better Sense of Well-Being, Game Politics, March 5, 2013. New research from NC State University shows that seniors who play video games report having a better sense of emotional well-being. Jason Allaire, psychology, featured. 

Mar 6, 2013

Can playing video games boost older adults’ mental health?

Can playing video games boost older adults’ mental health?, Scope (blog), March 5, 2013. NC State research shows that seniors who play video games have higher levels of well-being. Jason Allaire, psychology, featured. 

Mar 6, 2013

Seniors: Video Games Lead To Emotional Well-Being

Seniors: Video Games Lead To Emotional Well-Being, Science 2.0, March 5, 2013. New surveys find that older adults who play video games report higher levels of emotional well-being. Jason Allaire, psychology, featured. 

Mar 6, 2013

Biotech Center awards $2.9M in loans, grants across NC

Biotech Center awards $2.9M in loans, grants across NC, WRAL Tech Wire, March 5, 2013. Allan Brown, Ph.D., at NCSU, received $95,525 for a project to evaluate the potential of plant material to increase lutein in commercial broccoli. Reza Ghiladi, Ph.D., of NCSU, was awarded a grant of $270,061 for a project that involves deriving cellulose from… 

Mar 6, 2013

Seniors who play video games less likely to be depressed

Seniors who play video games less likely to be depressed, CNET, March 5, 2013. NC State study finds that seniors who play video games report a better sense of well-being. Jason Allaire, psychology, featured. 

Mar 6, 2013

NCSU bags $2M organic foods research grant

NCSU bags $2M organic foods research grant, Triangle Business Journal (blog), March 5, 2013. A group of N.C. State Universityresearchers will share in a $2 million grant to naturally improve the safety of organic produce. 

Mar 6, 2013

What Is A Library In Today’s High Tech Age?

What Is A Library In Today’s High Tech Age?, WUNC-91.5, March 5, 2013. The Hunt Library at North Carolina State University brings us one step closer to the sci-fi fantasy presented in the cartoon, “The Jetsons.” Susan Nutter, libraries, featured. 

Mar 5, 2013

Bizarre Bee Disease Decimates Colonies

Bizarre Bee Disease Decimates Colonies, RedOrbit, March 4, 2013. As the mysterious plunge in bee populations continues, researchers are scrambling to understand the cause for the widespread decimation. David Tarpy, entomology, featured.