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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Dec 13, 2012

Laws’ Scant Effect On Wages

Law’s Scant Effect On Wages, Wall Street Journal, Dec. 11, 2012. Right-to-work laws don’t appear to have a significant impact on wages, though data are hard to come by. Walter Wessels, an economics 

Dec 13, 2012

Researchers developing bionic limb for paw-less pup

Researchers developing bionic limb for paw-less pup, WCNC News Nightcast at 11 PM – WCNC-TV, Dec. 10, 2012. Researchers at North Carolina State University are giving a pet Chihuahua a big gift. The dog named Peggy was born without a back paw. Now, the school is working to develop a bionic paw for the dog. After surgery, she should be… 

Dec 13, 2012

New Mexico Chihuahua, born with three paws, to get a bionic one

New Mexico Chihuahua, born with three paws, to get a bionic one, Los Angeles Times, Dec. 10, 2012. Peggy the Chihuahua – the New Mexico pet was born with only three paws – will soon receive a bionic paw that animal researchers are calling the smallest canine prosthetic in the country. NC State researchers are working to develop a mini-prosthesis… 

Dec 13, 2012

Secret Science of Santa

Secret Science of Santa, The Weather Channel, Dec. 12, 2012. How does Santa deliver all those gifts around the world in 24 hours? Larry Silverberg, mechanical and aerospace engineering, featured. 

Dec 13, 2012

Google’s Android app scanner falls short in security test

Google’s Android app scanner falls short in security test, PC World, Dec. 12, 2012. Researchers at North Carolina State University wanted to know whether additional antivirus software was necessary, in light of the Google service that is included in Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, the latest version of the operating system. Xuxian Jiang, computer science, featured. 

Dec 12, 2012

Bill To Rename Federal Building For Sen. Jesse Helms Stirs Controversy

Bill To Rename Federal Building For Sen. Jesse Helms Stirs Controversy, NPR, Dec. 7, 2012.  A bill to name a North Carolina federal building and U.S. courthouse after the late Republican Senator Jesse Helms has been introduced in the Senate. Steven Greene, political science, featured. 

Dec 12, 2012

NM Chihuahua to get ‘bionic paw’

NM Chihuahua to get ‘bionic paw’, News & Observer, Dec. 10, 2012. A New Mexico Chihuahua born without a back foot is getting a bionic paw. Peggy “Peg Leg” will be getting the small canine prosthetic thanks to a research program at North Carolina State University. 

Dec 12, 2012

Scientists reveal shocking ecosystem living inside your belly button

Scientists reveal shocking ecosystem living inside your belly button, The Sun Herald, Dec. 11, 2012.  A group of scientists from NC State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences have embarked on an unprecedented project to study what’s living in your navel. 

Dec 12, 2012

In the focus: Researchers Reveal Structure of Carbon’s ‘Hoyle State’

In the focus: Researchers Reveal Structure of Carbon’s ‘Hoyle State’, Innovations Report, Dec. 12, 2012. A North Carolina State University researcher has taken a “snapshot” of the way particles combine to form carbon-12, the element that makes all life on Earth possible. And the picture looks like a bent arm. Dean Lee, physics, featured. 

Dec 12, 2012

Should I Buy a Fake Christmas Tree or a Real One?

Should I Buy a Fake Christmas Tree or a Real One?, Mother Jones, Dec. 12, 2012. The Christmas tree custom we know today is said to date back to the 1500s, when Lutherans in western Germany would hang wafers on their trees on December 24th to celebrate the religious holiday of Adam and Eve. Jill Sidebottom, forestry &… 

Dec 12, 2012

Android Malware Still Sneaking Past New Security Feature, Researcher Finds

Android Malware Still Sneaking Past New Security Feature, Researcher Finds, Huffington Post, Dec. 11, 2012. Google unveiled a new security feature that sought to stop what experts have warned is a growing problem on Android phones: malware. Xuxian Jiang, computer science, featured. 

Dec 11, 2012

NCSU: Google’s new mobile app verification service misses most malware

NCSU: Google’s new mobile app verification service misses most malware, WRALtechwire, Dec. 10, 2012. You might want to be careful in utilizing Google’s recently launched “application verification service.” Xuxian Jiang, computer science, featured. 

Dec 11, 2012

Study Finds Weakness in Google’s Android Security Service

Study Finds Weaknesses in Google’s Android Security Service, New York Times, Dec. 11, 2012.  NC State researcher puts Google’s security service through some tests. Xuxian Jiang, computer science, featured. 

Dec 11, 2012

Google’s Android Malware Detection Falls Short

Google’s Android Malware Detection Falls Short, InformationWeek, Dec. 10, 2012. Android appears to be on a trajectory to become the Windows of mobile operating systems, but there’s a downside to ubiquity. Xuxian Jiang, computer science, featured. 

Dec 10, 2012

US professor slams ‘dangerous’ failures in Android malware vetting

US professor slams ‘dangerous’ failures in Android malware vetting, GoMo News, Yahoo! News et al, Dec. 11, 2012. Research by a US professor has revealed that an astonishing 85 per cent of malware fails to be discovered by Google’s new app verification service. Xuxian Jiang, computer science-engineering, featured.