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In the News

NC State news is shared far and wide. Below are just some of our recent appearances in local, regional, national and international media publications.

Jul 28, 2023

Citizen science inspires kids to take local action

North Carolina State University researchers recently found that a program designed to get Girl Scouts involved in citizen science—programs where members of the public can participate in real scientific research—not only taught girls about the process of science, but also motivated them to tackle scientific or environmental problems in their communities. 

Jul 28, 2023 Coastal Review Online

Ongoing study may show overlooked algal bloom causes

Land use may be the key to mitigating extreme algal blooms, but to date the role of land use, how it affects nutrient loads, is not completely clear. To North Carolina State University researcher Dr. Chris Osburn, who is analyzing the data, the information is by no means definitive. “Preliminary evidence points to changes in… 

Jul 28, 2023 USA Today

What is a full employment recession? Are we heading into one?

In a full employment recession, the capital sector of the economy would experience decline, as is typical in a recession, but the labor sector would grow or remain stable said Michael L. Walden, a Reynolds Distinguished Professor Emeritus at North Carolina State University. Never before has the United States experienced a full employment recession, and… 

Jul 27, 2023 WLOS

Farmers, brewers explore hops cultivation at research center in Mills River

“The brewers are saying that we can do the yields. We have very experienced brewers who are familiar with the Pacific Northwest look at our plants and go, ‘Yes, this is going to happen in time,'” North Carolina State University associate professor and extension specialist Jeanine Davis said. 

Jul 27, 2023 SciTechDaily

Is the U.S. Ready for an African Swine Fever Outbreak?

In a recent study conducted by North Carolina State University researchers, a computer model was employed to explore the potential spread of African swine fever (ASF) among pig farms in the southeastern U.S., as well as to assess the efficacy of current response strategies. The findings suggest that despite the beneficial impact of control measures,… 

Jul 27, 2023 Newsweek

‘Sound of Freedom’ Reveals Rising Power of Jesus in Hollywood

Whether there is, in fact, an innate antagonism to Christianity in the entertainment industry—or elsewhere—is debatable. “There’s no evidence at all of any bias against Christians in Hollywood,” says Jason Bivins, a professor of philosophy and religion at North Carolina State University. “I do, however, think that a lot of people get ‘likes’ and so… 

Jul 27, 2023 Help Net Security

Why are computer security guidelines so confusing?

“As a computer security researcher, I’ve noticed that some of the computer security advice I read online is confusing, misleading or just plain wrong,” says Brad Reaves, corresponding author of the new study and an assistant professor of computer science at North Carolina State University. “In some cases, I don’t know where the advice is… 

Jul 26, 2023 WGN

The deadly effects of heat — a higher risk of heart attacks

More evidence of the brain-gut connection and how certain foods can enhance cognitive health. Probiotics prevent age-related declines in memory and thinking according to a new study from North Carolina State University. Researchers say the knowledge points to the need for monitoring gut health and modifying diet to halt cognitive decline. 

Jul 26, 2023

PFAS detected in blood of horses and dogs too near factory in eastern North Carolina

Experts can’t confirm that Whisper’s cough is tied to PFAS exposure on Stewart’s property. But in a recent study prompted by concerned community members, North Carolina State University researchers detected the industrial compounds in dogs and horses, including Whisper, in Gray’s Creek. 

Jul 26, 2023 News-Medical Life Sciences

Probiotic may help prevent cognitive decline during aging

The implication of this finding is quite exciting, as it means that modifying the gut microbiome through probiotics could potentially be a strategy to improve cognitive performance, particularly in individuals with mild cognitive impairment. This adds a new layer to our understanding of the microbiome brain-gut connection and opens up new avenues for combating cognitive… 

Jul 26, 2023 The Engineer

RoboMapper brings speed and sustainability to materials development

“RoboMapper allows us to conduct materials testing more quickly, while also reducing both cost and energy overhead – making the entire process more sustainable,” said Aram Amassian, corresponding author of a paper on the work and a professor of materials science and engineering at North Carolina State University (NC State). 

Jul 25, 2023 WRAL

Son shares story of NC State scientist’s role in ‘Oppenheimer’ experiments

Mark Seagondollar was always proud of his father, Dr. Lewis Seagondollar, now deceased. He was the head of the physics department at North Carolina State University, serving there for 10 to 20 years, according to his son. In 1941, during World War II, before Mark Seagondollar was born, his father was among many involved with the… 

Jul 25, 2023 Inside Higher Ed

How the Farm Bill Could Affect Higher Education

“My own budget in North Carolina starts with about $12 million in federal funding,” said Rich Bonanno, director of extension at North Carolina State University. “But last year, my expenditures in extension in North Carolina were $132 million.” 

Jul 25, 2023 The Guardian

US states get tough with ‘war on drugs’-era laws to tackle fentanyl crisis

Jennifer Carroll, a medical anthropologist at North Carolina State University and the author of a recent study that found sweeps to arrest drug dealers actually drove up overdoses, called the new laws “categorically unconscionable”. “We have a lot of very good direct and circumstantial evidence of what the impacts of these laws are going to… 

Jul 25, 2023 Yahoo! News

Sorry, What – The Specks On Strawberries Aren’t Actually Seeds

Get ready for the grossest term you’ll read today – it’s technically “swollen receptacle tissue”, and is made from the part of the strawberry plant that connects the flower to the stem. The growth spurt is triggered when the plant becomes pollinated. “In ’true fruits, like peaches, a flower is pollinated and then the flower’s…