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the hands of two different people hover over a laptop, as if one person is explaining something to another person

Jun 6, 2024

How to Build a Team of ‘Appropriately Skeptical’ Financial Statement Auditors

Rewarding skepticism is associated with an increased likelihood of identifying potential fraud during the auditing process. 

a young woman works on a computer while an older woman looks over her shoulder

Apr 8, 2024

Senior Staff Give More Constructive Feedback When They Think They’ll Work With You Again

The findings are relevant to any company where on-the-job training is important for developing a skilled workforce. 

photo shows a notebook, calculator and pen lying on a white surface

Dec 13, 2023

How Companies Worked Around a Law Aimed at Keeping U.S. Tax Dollars from Going Overseas

Legislation aimed at preventing large companies from avoiding U.S. taxes by shuttling money to foreign subsidiaries hasn’t worked as well as anticipated. Now we know why. 

photo shows a table with two laptops. two people are going over paperwork between the laptops.

Nov 28, 2023

New Audit Rules Had Little Effect on Companies

A recent study finds new financial auditing regulations did have an effect – but it was a small one. 

image shows a stack of newspapers. One of the newspapers is sticking out. It is from the World Business section.

Sep 18, 2023

Accounting Transparency Effort Tied to Decreased Funding for Innovation

Regulations aimed at improving the transparency of corporate accounting practices appear to have unintended consequences. 

tax documents scattered across desk top

Jan 9, 2023

When Taxes Go Up, Execs Increase Profits from Insider Trading

The increase in insider trading puts companies at risk, even when the trades are legal. 

Jul 18, 2022

Taxing Cryptocurrency: What Happens When Crypto Crashes?

What are the tax implications of the cryptocurrency crash? 

Jul 12, 2022

Report Reveals Risk Management Processes in U.S. Organizations Are Not Keeping Pace With Growing Risks

Only a third of firms reported that they have enterprise risk management processes in place. 

several people in business attire stand in silhouette before a view of a city skyline

May 3, 2022

‘Tax Haven’ Companies May Be Less Risky Than Investors Think

Many of these companies are actually more transparent than their counterparts in countries that are not tax havens. 

person in a suit adjusts the buttons on their jacket

Apr 7, 2022

Companies That Are Aggressive on Taxes Fall Short at Managing Their Workforce

Aggressive companies were more likely to have insufficient staff to operate efficiently. 

Mar 11, 2022

Accounting Students Provide Free Tax Return Assistance

NC State Poole College of Management accounting students are again providing free online tax return assistance for individuals and households using the MyFree Taxes website. 

four mean in dress clothes look at a collection of papers

Dec 1, 2021

Study Finds At Least Some Auditing Expertise Applies Across Industry Sectors

The study flouts conventional wisdom that auditing expertise is industry-specific. 

two people set side by side at computers, they appear to be discussing something business related

Aug 18, 2021

Study Highlights Challenges of Encouraging Skepticism in Financial Statement Auditors

Skepticism is being discouraged in auditors – and a recent study finds unexpected challenges to addressing that. 

two businessmen in a high-rise office look at a laptop screen and laugh

Jul 12, 2021

Tax Havens Can Have Hidden Costs for Corporations

Companies incorporate in tax havens to improve their bottom lines, but investors are leery of the risks. 

world map of stock exchanges

Apr 12, 2021

Having Employees Overseas Helps Companies Reap U.S. Tax Benefits

Companies with more overseas workers 'artificially' shift earnings there to reduce what they pay in US taxes.