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Agriculture and Life Sciences

Feb 29, 2016

Block That Pollen

NC State crop scientists move closer to finding pollen blockers that can protect organic corn from contamination by genetically modified corn. 

Feb 9, 2016

Duplicate DNA a Hallmark of Tick Genome

What makes the tick, well, tick? NC State researchers involved in sequencing the pest's genome find a number of answers. 

Feb 2, 2016

Researchers Sequence Bedbug Genome, Find Unique Features

Entomologist Coby Schal leads effort to reveal the genomic blueprint behind the bedbug's reviled characteristics. 

Feb 2, 2016

Antiperspirant Alters the Microbial Ecosystem on Your Skin

Wearing antiperspirant or deodorant doesn’t just affect your social life, it substantially changes the microbial life that lives on you. 

Jan 28, 2016

A Primer on Political Activities

With two major projects included in the upcoming Connect NC Bond, NC State has a vested interest this legislative initiative. However, university employees are limited in what they can do to advocate for any political cause. Here are some guidelines from the Office of General Counsel. 

Jan 19, 2016

First Study of Arthropods in U.S. Homes Finds Huge Biodiversity

The first study to evaluate the biodiversity of arthropods in U.S. homes finds that humans share their houses with any of more than 500 different kinds of arthropods – at least on a short-term basis. 

Dec 7, 2015

Gut Bacteria Important Factor in Cockroach Gathering

North Carolina State University research shows that bacteria in the gut of German cockroaches play a major role in how the cockroaches gather together, or aggregate. The findings could lead to more efficient roach baits and traps. In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, NC State entomologists show that roach… 

Dec 2, 2015

Questions About the Science of Beer

Sure, there’s an art to brewing – but there’s science as well. 

Nov 19, 2015

Study Provides More Evidence Irish Potato Famine-Causing Pathogen Originated in South America

NC State spud sleuth Jean Ristaino finds more evidence that the pathogen responsible for Ireland's potato famine in the 1840s originated in South America. 

Nov 4, 2015

Urban Environments Boost Pathogen Pressure on Honey Bees

Researchers have found that urban environments increase pathogen abundance in honey bees and reduce their survival. The finding raises significant questions as urban areas continue to grow at the expense of rural environments, and urban beekeeping becomes more popular. 

Nov 2, 2015

Scientists Evaluate Food Safety Practices to Help Support Nonprofit Food Pantries

Researchers have done an in-depth analysis of food safety at nonprofit food pantries to determine how food safety experts can help these pantries best meet the needs of their clients. 

Oct 26, 2015

Spiders: How Spooky Are They?

Spooky scenes of fake spiders in giant webs are everywhere this time of year. But despite the Halloween hype, spiders hardly deserve their reputation as dangerous creatures. 

Sep 29, 2015

Modeling Tool IDs Genes That Control Stress Response in Plants

An interdisciplinary team of researchers has developed a modeling algorithm that is able to identify genes associated with specific biological functions in plants. The modeling tool will help plant biologists target individual genes that control how plants respond to drought, high temperatures or other environmental stressors. 

Sep 28, 2015

$5 Million NSF PIRE Grant Will Fund Research on African Crop Disease

NC State receives $5 million NSF grant to combat cassava mosaic disease in Africa. 

Aug 19, 2015

Vomiting Device Offers First Direct Evidence That Vomit Aerosolizes Norovirus-Like Particles

Using a vomiting device of their creation, researchers are reporting the first direct evidence that vomiting can aerosolize virus particles similar to human norovirus.