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college of engineering

Aug 23, 2010

Forbes Highlights Product Innovation Lab selected NC State’s Product Innovation Lab as one of its 10 most innovative business school courses. 

Aug 17, 2010

Zhu Honored for Nanomaterials Work

Dr. Yuntian Zhu has been elected a fellow of ASM International, a  society for materials scientists and engineers. 

Jul 28, 2010

Barlaz Named Department Head

Dr. Morton Barlaz has been named head of the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering. 

Jul 28, 2010

King Wins Educator Award

Dr. Russell King, professor of industrial and systems engineering, won the 2010 Albert G. Holzman Distinguished Educator Award from the Institute of Industrial Engineers. 

Jul 20, 2010

Bullard Honored

Dr. Lisa G. Bullard, teaching associate professor and director of undergraduate studies in chemical and biomolecular engineering, was honored for contributions to chemical engineering education. 

Jul 14, 2010

Keltie Named Associate Dean

Dr. Richard F. Keltie has been appointed associate dean for research and graduate programs in the College of Engineering. 

Jul 6, 2010

Martin-Vega Honored for Advancing Minorities

Dr. Louis A. Martin-Vega, dean of the College of Engineering, has been honored with the Institute of Industrial Engineers’ UPS Award for Minority Advancement. 

Jul 1, 2010

Borden Honored for Lifetime Achievement

Engineering professor and environmental consultant Robert C. Borden received the 2010 Brown and Caldwell Lifetime Achievement Award for  contributions as a leader, innovator and teacher. 

Jun 28, 2010

Bottomley Wins IEEE Award

Dr. Laura J. Bottomley, director of the Engineering Place outreach program, received a Meritorious Service Award in Informal Education from the Educational Activities Board of technical professional association IEEE. 

Jun 28, 2010

Engineering Society Honors Felder

Dr. Richard M. Felder received a Distinguished Service Award from the American Society for Engineering Education’s Educational Research and Methods Division. 

Jun 17, 2010

Silly Putty Science

Watching the ball drop in Times Square is a grand tradition. But for sheer drama, nothing matches the free fall of a 50-pound ball of Silly Putty from the roof of D.H. Hill Library. 

Jun 9, 2010

Parish Named Assistant Dean

Dr. David W. Parish has been named assistant dean of academic affairs for the College of Engineering. 

Jun 4, 2010

High-Speed Learning

Armed with big dreams for tiny, ladybug-inspired vehicles to those that recall the sleek lines of Japanese drift cars, middle- and high-school students from around the region raced their way through NC State's first Sustainable Transportation Education Program (STEP), held outside the McKimmon Center. 

May 18, 2010

Edge Leads Coastal Engineering Academy

Dr. Billy Edge was among 32 inaugural inductees to the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Academy of Coastal Ocean Port and Navigation Engineers. 

May 7, 2010

Submarine Pioneers

Two NC State seniors secured a place in history after being named the first female Naval ROTC members selected for submarine duty. They credit their ROTC training, supportive faculty and the rigorous chemical engineering program at NC State for their accomplishment.