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Aug 19, 2010

NSF Grant Funds NC State Research On Predicting Effects Of Climate Change

North Carolina State University researchers are part of a major new research initiative from the National Science Foundation (NSF) aiming at improving climate scientists’ ability to predict potential consequences of climate change. The work being done at NC State will focus on improving our ability to predict hurricanes and precipitation patterns. 

Aug 19, 2010

NC State Researchers Receive Grant to Convert Lignin into Chemical Feedstocks

Researchers at North Carolina State University have received a grant aimed at finding an energy efficient and environmentally friendly method for breaking down lignin—a renewable, energy-rich raw material found in plants—into feedstock for  the petrochemical industry, which produces everything from fuel to pharmaceuticals. NC State scientists Dr. Dimitris Argyropoulos, Finland Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, and Dr.… 

Aug 18, 2010

Cool! Researchers Find Way To Use HVAC Ducts For Wireless Monitoring Technology

A new study by a team including a professor from North Carolina State University has found a way to implement wireless monitoring technology – with uses ranging from climate control to health and safety applications – by tapping into a building’s heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) ducts. The finding could lead to significant time and… 

Aug 17, 2010

Study Shows Birth Dates, School Enrollment Dates Affect ADHD Diagnosis Rates

Rising rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and large differences in diagnosis rates have led to fears that the condition is often being misdiagnosed. A new study from North Carolina State University demonstrates that these concerns are justified. The researchers found large discrepancies in diagnosis and treatment rates based on small differences in children’s… 

Aug 16, 2010

Predicting Nanoparticle Interactions in Human Bodies

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a method for predicting the ways nanoparticles will interact with biological systems – including the human body. Their work could have implications for  improved human and environmental safety in the handling of nanomaterials, as well as applications for drug delivery. NC State researchers Dr. Jim Riviere, Burroughs Wellcome… 

Aug 13, 2010

Comins Named Fellow of the American Chemical Society

Dr. Daniel L. Comins, professor of chemistry at North Carolina State University, has been named a Fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS). Comins is one of 192 distinguished scientists to receive the honor this year. They will be recognized on Aug. 23 during the ACS’ national meeting in Boston. Comins’ research deals mainly with… 

Aug 2, 2010

‘Ribbit Radio’ Shows Frog Population Estimates Are Likely Flawed

Scientists track amphibian populations because these animals are sensitive to changes in their environment and can serve as “canaries in the coal mine” to give researchers early warnings about pollution or other ecological problems. But new research from North Carolina State University shows that data from the largest amphibian monitoring program in the country may… 

Jul 27, 2010

Who Buys What? Research Finds Clues To Marketing Innovation

Introducing innovative new products and ideas to the marketplace can be a tricky proposition. Sometimes they take off immediately (like the iPod) and sometimes they can take a while to garner consumer confidence (like the Segway). A troubled economy can make it more difficult to convince consumers to take a leap on a new product.… 

Jul 26, 2010

Hot Topic: Improving Communications To Fight Wildfires

Wildfires can be deadly, as well as causing millions of dollars worth of damage to homes, businesses and natural resources. Efforts to control wildfires often include a staggering array of federal, state and local government agencies. New research from North Carolina State University is shedding light on how these agencies can better communicate with each… 

Jul 20, 2010

New Methodology Improves Winter Climate Forecasting

It’s hot out right now, but new research from North Carolina State University will help us know what to expect when the weather turns cold. Researchers have developed a new methodology that improves the accuracy of winter precipitation and temperature forecasts. The tool should be valuable for government and utility officials, since it provides key… 

Jul 19, 2010

Stormwater Model To Inform Regulators On Future Development Projects

North Carolina State University researchers have developed a computer model that will accurately predict stormwater pollution impacts from proposed real-estate developments – allowing regulators to make informed decisions about which development projects can be approved without endangering water quality. The model could serve as a blueprint for similar efforts across the country. 

Jul 15, 2010

Study: Working Conditions Pose Problems For Workers And Employers

New research from North Carolina State University shows that an increase in professional business practices such as outsourcing, hiring temporary workers and focusing on project-based teams is having a detrimental effect on workers and likely poses long-term problems for employers. 

Jul 12, 2010

New Research Can Spot Cloud Computing Problems Before They Start

Large-scale computer hosting infrastructures offer a variety of services to computer users, including cloud computing – which offers users access to powerful computers and software applications hosted by remote groups of servers. But when these infrastructures run into problems – like bottlenecks that slow their operating speed – it can be costly for both the… 

Jul 6, 2010

Hips Don’t Lie: Researchers Find More Accurate Technique To Determine Sex Of Skeletal Remains

Research from North Carolina State University offers a new means of determining the sex of skeletal human remains – an advance that may have significant impacts in the wake of disasters, the studying of ancient remains and the criminal justice system. 

Jun 30, 2010

New Technique Improves Efficiency Of Biofuel Production

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a more efficient technique for producing biofuels from woody plants that significantly reduces the waste that results from conventional biofuel production techniques. The technique is a significant step toward creating a commercially viable new source of biofuels.