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Jun 8, 2009

Accuracy Essential to XBRL Financial Filing Program

The largest 500 companies regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are poised to submit quarterly financial reports that, for the first time, will be tagged using XBRL code – which will allow computers to “read” their content and make it easier for people to find and analyze financial data contained in the… 

Jun 3, 2009

Study Shows Bank Risk-Assessment Tool Not Responding Adequately to Market Fluctuations

A new study from North Carolina State University indicates that regulators need to do more to ensure that banks are adequately computing their Value-at-Risk (VaR) to reflect fluctuations in financial markets. The study finds that the tests used by regulators do not detect when VaRs inaccurately account for significant swings in the market, which is… 

Jun 2, 2009

Study: Lack of Capital Not a ‘Death Sentence’ for Start-Ups

A new study from North Carolina State University is turning the conventional wisdom about technology start-up companies on its head, showing that ventures with moderate levels of undercapitalization can still be successful and that a great management team is not more important than a top-notch technology product when it comes to securing sufficient amounts of… 

Jun 1, 2009

Study Shows Gay Couples Want Legal Rights, Regardless of Marriage

New research from North Carolina State University shows that gay and lesbian couples are forming long-term, committed relationships, even in the absence of the right to marry. However, couples surveyed for the study overwhelmingly said they would get married if they could in order to secure legal rights – such as retirement and healthcare benefits.… 

May 28, 2009

North Carolina State University engineers have created a non-toxic “wrinkled” coating for use on ship hulls that resisted buildup of troublesome barnacles during 18 months of seawater tests, a finding that could ultimately save boat owners millions of dollars in cleaning and fuel costs. The research conducted by Dr. Kirill Efimenko, research assistant professor in… 

May 20, 2009

Beneficial Plant ‘Spillover’ Effect Seen From Landscape Corridors

Research by a North Carolina State University biologist and colleagues shows that using landscape corridors, the “superhighways” that connect isolated patches of habitat, to protect certain plants has a large “spillover” effect that increases the number of plant species outside the conservation area. The study found that corridors caused such a wide range of “spillover”… 

May 19, 2009

New Tool To Help Researchers Identify DNA Patterns of Cancer, Genetic Disorders

A new tool will help researchers identify the minute changes in DNA patterns that lead to cancer, Huntington’s disease and a host of other genetic disorders. The tool was developed at North Carolina State University and translates DNA sequences into graphic images, which allows researchers to distinguish genetic patterns more quickly and efficiently than was… 

May 12, 2009

Heart Machine Expedites Research and Development of New Surgical Tools, Techniques

A new machine developed at North Carolina State University makes an animal heart pump much like a live heart after it has been removed from the animal’s body, allowing researchers to expedite the development of new tools and techniques for heart surgery. The machine saves researchers time and money by allowing them to test and… 

Apr 27, 2009

New Human Movement Model Can Aid In Studying Epidemic Outbreaks, Public Planning

Researchers have developed a new statistical model that simulates human mobility patterns, mimicking the way people move over the course of a day, a month or longer. The model, developed by scientists at North Carolina State University and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), is the first to represent the regular movement… 

Apr 23, 2009

Benefits Count for Community College Faculty

Benefits matter when it comes to job satisfaction among part-time faculty at community colleges. That's the conclusion of a study co-authored by Dr. Paul D. Umbach, associate professor of education. 

Apr 22, 2009

Think Memory Worsens With Age? Then Yours Probably Will

Thinking your memory will get worse as you get older may actually be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Researchers at North Carolina State University have found that senior citizens who think older people should perform poorly on tests of memory actually score much worse than seniors who do not buy in to negative stereotypes about aging and… 

Apr 16, 2009

NC State Study Shows How To Deflect Asteroids and Save The Earth

You may want to thank David French in advance. Because, in the event that a comet or asteroid comes hurtling toward Earth, he may be the guy responsible for saving the entire planet. French, a doctoral candidate in aerospace engineering at North Carolina State University, has determined a way to effectively divert asteroids and other… 

Apr 10, 2009

Taking the resistance out of drug-resistant infections

New NC State chemical compounds break up biofilms, make antibiotics work again It started out as a research project focused on getting rid of harmful bacterial accumulations called biofilms. Now it has the potential to make conventional antibiotics work against stubborn, drug-resistant bacteria. This unexpected development might have come as a surprise to the North Carolina… 

Apr 7, 2009

Tiny Super-Plant Can Clean Up Hog Farms and Be Used For Ethanol Production

Researchers at North Carolina State University have found that a tiny aquatic plant can be used to clean up animal waste at industrial hog farms and potentially be part of the answer for the global energy crisis. Their research shows that growing duckweed on hog wastewater can produce five to six times more starch per… 

Apr 6, 2009

States That Vote Early Can Reap Benefits If They Pick a Winner

The 2008 presidential campaign season had the earliest statewide primaries and caucuses in memory, starting with the Iowa Caucus on Jan. 3. Now new research from North Carolina State University shows that states may have good reason to push for an early contest. States that hold early presidential primaries or caucuses get a larger share…