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research news

Apr 7, 2009

Tiny Super-Plant Can Clean Up Hog Farms and Be Used For Ethanol Production

Researchers at North Carolina State University have found that a tiny aquatic plant can be used to clean up animal waste at industrial hog farms and potentially be part of the answer for the global energy crisis. Their research shows that growing duckweed on hog wastewater can produce five to six times more starch per… 

Apr 6, 2009

States That Vote Early Can Reap Benefits If They Pick a Winner

The 2008 presidential campaign season had the earliest statewide primaries and caucuses in memory, starting with the Iowa Caucus on Jan. 3. Now new research from North Carolina State University shows that states may have good reason to push for an early contest. States that hold early presidential primaries or caucuses get a larger share… 

Mar 26, 2009

New Spectrometer

NC State unveiled a time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometer at the Analytical Instrumentation Facility on Centennial Campus last week. 

Mar 26, 2009

Tap Into Stimulus Dollars

The recession isn't all bad news. A new campus Web site helps researchers tap into federal stimulus dollars. 

Mar 23, 2009

New Inhaler System Could Be Breakthrough for Disease Treatment

Two North Carolina State University engineers have developed a new inhaler system that could improve treatments for a host of diseases by targeting drugs onto diseased tissue without affecting healthy areas of the throat and lungs. 

Mar 18, 2009

Mussels, Inkjet Printer May Hold Key to Faster Healing From Surgeries

Using the natural glue that marine mussels use to stick to rocks, and a variation on the inkjet printer, a team of researchers led by North Carolina State University has devised a new way of making medical adhesives that could replace traditional sutures and result in less scarring and increased precision for exacting operations such… 

Mar 17, 2009

Studies Show That Nice Guys Finish First in Business World

When it comes to leading a team tasked with developing new products and bringing them to market, new research from North Carolina State University shows that being nice and playing well with others gives you a very real competitive advantage. One new study shows that project managers can get much better performance from their team… 

Mar 10, 2009

Traffic Markings May Be Brighter on the Other Side, Study Shows

A new study from North Carolina State University shows that painted road markings, such as the lines separating traffic lanes, are significantly better at reflecting headlights in the direction that the paint was applied. This finding will help determine how states comply with new federal safety regulations and save money on painting their roadways. 

Mar 5, 2009

New Assistant Dean of Research

Mitzi Montoya, Zelnak Professor of Marketing Innovation in the College of Management, has been named assistant dean of research for the college. 

Mar 3, 2009

New Design May Mean Less Expensive, More Sustainable Structures

People are always looking for ways to make something less expensive and more environmentally friendly – and a team of researchers from North Carolina State University has figured out how to do both of those things at once when building the parking garages of the future. 

Feb 25, 2009

Cards On the Table: Risk Tool Spots Software Flaws During Development

A new risk management tool can help software developers identify security vulnerabilities in their programs early in the planning process, effectively solving problems before they exist, simply by having the developers lay their cards on the table. The system, called “Protection Poker,” was developed by computer security experts at North Carolina State University and is… 

Feb 24, 2009

New Tool Improves Productivity, Quality When Translating Software

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a software tool that will make it faster and easier to translate video games and other software into different languages for use in various international markets – addressing a hurdle to internationalization that has traditionally been time-consuming and subject to error. 

Feb 23, 2009

Study Shows Father/Daughter Relationships Lead To More Girls Following Dad’s Career Path

Good news, dad! All those times your daughter appeared to be tuning you out? She was probably paying more attention than you thought. In fact, a new study co-authored by a researcher from North Carolina State University says the relationship between fathers and daughters is leading to an increase in the number of daughters who… 

Feb 16, 2009

Look At More Than Just Price To Find the Best Travel Bargains, New Study Says

If you’re looking for bargain air travel, a new study finds that you should look at more than just the ticket price. Instead, a researcher at North Carolina State University who co-authored the study says that consumers need to consider the quality of the flights being offered in order to get the best “price efficiency.”