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climate change

Traffic light sign under water

Mar 28, 2022

Gaps Found in Research on ‘Climate Gentrification’

Climate change, and policies related to it, are displacing vulnerable communities. But a new analysis of research on this phenomenon finds that there is a lack of long-term research that examines these issues. 

Aerial of forests in Great Smoky Mountains.

Mar 3, 2022

During Droughts, Thirstier Mountain Forests Could Mean Less Water Downstream

Increased water use by upstream mountain forests could leave less water for other forests, cities and wildlife during drought. 

Wood samples used in carbon dating

Feb 14, 2022

A Coastal Forest Almost 2,000 Years Old is Disappearing

A new study illustrates that a coastal forest has stored vast quantities of carbon for thousands of years. 

a blue question mark against a pink background

Feb 9, 2022

Clear Your Desk. It’s Time For a Pop Quiz on NC State Research

In this quiz, you can test your knowledge on some of the latest scientific findings from North Carolina State University. These questions are drawn from two studies that deal with issues related to climate change. 

miami blue butterfly at rest on a plant

Feb 7, 2022

Shifting Rainfall Patterns Will Affect Whether An Imperiled Butterfly Survives Climate Change

The study highlights how changes in precipitation could affect the survival of some species. 

Ghost forest in North Carolina.

Feb 2, 2022

Microbes Making Tree Methane ‘Farts’ in Ghost Forests Are in the Soils, Study Says

Understanding how ghost forests create methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is important to calculating the environmental impact of the forest-to-ghost forest transition. 

Researchers are studying ghost forests in North Carolina.

Jan 26, 2022

Study Finds Saltwater Thresholds for Plants in Freshwater Forests

Findings from the study could help researchers identify coastal landscapes in transition from forest to marsh or open water – and in need of help. 

Shasta Lake during a drought in California.

Jan 5, 2022

Climate Change Could Lead to Blackouts, Higher Power Costs on West Coast

Projections from two studies show how climate change or shifting to renewable energy sources could impact West Coast power supplies. 

Photo looks out across the water at a series of windmills and the smokestacks of a power plant

Dec 17, 2021

Voluntary Pledges Could Cut Utility GHG Emissions by a Third

About one-seventh of the promised cuts are mandated by state requirements. 

icebergs in water

Dec 15, 2021

Time Lag Between Intervention and Actual CO2 Decrease Could Still Lead to Climate Tipping Point

Lag between intervention and CO2 decrease could have ramifications for climate change. 

Dead ponderosa pine trees in California.

Nov 1, 2021

During An Historic Drought, Higher Temperatures Helped a Beetle Kill More California Pine Trees

Higher temperatures during an historic California drought helped a beetle kill more ponderosa pine trees. 

Corn on the stalk.

Oct 11, 2021

Warmer Temperatures May Decrease Yields of Densely Planted Corn

Models suggest providing more space for corn plants in a warming world. 

a person is engaged in a video conference with several other people who are pictured on the screen of a laptop

Sep 29, 2021

How (And Why) to Emphasize Listening in Effective Climate Communications

Why talking with people is more beneficial than talking at them. 

Mountain forests

Sep 10, 2021

Saving America’s Forests Could Help Curb Climate Warming

NC State researchers modeled the role that forestry and agriculture could play in reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions across multiple future economic scenarios. 

School textbooks

Sep 9, 2021

Uncertainty on Climate Change in Textbooks Linked to Uncertainty in Students

A study by an NC State researcher found textbooks that portray climate change as uncertain can influence students.