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Lake Isabella in Kern County, California.

Jun 11, 2021

Ask an Expert: How Is the Western U.S. Drought Impacting the Power Grid?

Jordan Kern, an assistant professor of forestry and environmental resources at NC State, discusses the drought's potential impact on the nation's electrical system. 

Natural pipeline construction.

May 27, 2021

Natural Gas Pipeline Density Higher Overall in More Vulnerable U.S. Counties

An analysis led by NC State researchers found counties with more socially vulnerable populations had a higher density of natural gas pipelines overall. 

diagram of a solar-powered greenhouse

Mar 17, 2021

Study Finds Plants Would Grow Well in Solar Cell Greenhouses

You can definitely grow plants (and make electricity) in a greenhouse made of see-through solar panels. 

Power line

Mar 9, 2021

Lights Out: Climate Change Could Plunge America Into Darkness. Here’s Why.

An NC State researcher details some of the vulnerabilities to the power grid from climate change. 

windmills in a field

Dec 14, 2020

Benefits of Renewable Energy Vary From Place to Place

The work can help target renewable energy investments where they can do the most good. 

satellite image shows urban lights from space

Dec 7, 2020

An Ambitious Energy Modeling Project Hopes To Inform Climate Policy

A transparent effort aims to give policymakers more insight into the future. 

a wildfire in the hills of california

Aug 20, 2020

Fire, Air Conditioning and Where We Get Our Power

A changing climate is already impacting how we consume electricity – and how we make it. 

diagram of ethylene production process

Apr 24, 2020

Catalyst Opens Door to More Efficient, Environmentally Friendly Ethylene Production

Finding could help cut related CO2 emissions by up to 87%. 

anaerobic digester on a dairy farm with rainbow in background

Feb 10, 2020

Model Shows Users How to Make On-Farm Sustainable Energy Projects More Profitable

Model can predict when farm-based sustainable energy projects will turn a profit. 

diagram of a greenhouse with translucent solar panels on the roof.

Feb 7, 2020

Next Generation of Greenhouses May Be Fully Solar Powered

Many greenhouses could become energy neutral by using see-through solar panels to harvest energy. 

Photo of flexible, wearable device.

Jan 30, 2020

Wearable Health Tech Gets Efficiency Upgrade

NC State researchers make their flexible, wearable energy harvester even better. 

photo of anaerobic digesters

Nov 13, 2019

Turning (More) Fat and Sewage Into Natural Gas

NC State researchers have developed what is, to date, the most efficient means of converting sewage sludge and restaurant grease into methane. 

a field of wind turbines

Jul 31, 2019

An Open Modeling Approach to Support Energy and Climate Policy

Researchers are developing an open-source computer model that can be used to inform the development of national energy and climate policies. 

empty street of small town

Apr 9, 2019

Unique Partnership Sheds Light On Energy Challenges for Low-Income Households

NC State-led partnership evaluates needs, challenges and possible solutions to energy challenges facing low-income households. 

rows of lithium ion batteries

Dec 5, 2018

Experts Lay Out Options For Future of Energy Storage in North Carolina

A report by NC State experts details energy storage options to inform energy policy.