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An image of a piece of advanced technology that looks like a brain.

Jul 11, 2024

AI Powers Interdisciplinary Innovation

At NC State University, interdisciplinary teams are leveraging AI to revolutionize research in agriculture, chemical engineering, education and more. 

May 3, 2024

When Injecting Pure Spin into Chiral Materials, Direction Matters

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University of Pittsburgh studied how the spin information of an electron, called a pure spin current, moves through chiral materials. They found that the direction in which the spins are injected into chiral materials affects their ability to pass through them. These chiral “gateways” could be used… 

Apr 15, 2024

Why Figuring Out How Potassium Is Destroyed in Stars Is Important to Understanding the Universe

If you want to know where elements come from, look to the stars. 

Baseball on ground

Mar 27, 2024

The Physics of a Curveball

A well-placed curveball can be an amazing pitch. But how does it work? 


Mar 15, 2024

Printed Polymer Allows Researchers to Explore Chirality and Spin Interactions at Room Temperature

A new polymer allows researchers to measure how much charge comes from spin within spintronic materials. 

Nov 27, 2023

Understanding Charged Particles Helps Physicists Simulate Element Creation in Stars

Figuring out how nucleons interact at low energy can lead to understanding how elements form within stars. 

Ai image of brain

Aug 31, 2023

An ‘Introspective’ AI Finds Diversity Improves Performance

An AI that can learn how it learns chooses a diverse neural network to solve problems. 

Galaxy IC342

Jun 26, 2023

Where Do New Galaxies Come From?

Rongmon Bordoloi talks about primordial gasses and how galaxies are born. 

The flight crew of Artemis II: Mission specialist Christina Koch, pilot Victor Glover, commander Reid Wiseman and mission specialist Jeremy Hansen.

Apr 4, 2023

‘We’re Headed for the Moon’

Just after Christina Koch learned last month that she had been selected for NASA’s Artemis II project — becoming the first woman to travel around the moon and back as part of a four-member crew — the pioneering NASA astronaut and three-time NC State graduate was told to limit sharing the news to only a few… 

Campus gateway sign reading NC State University

Apr 4, 2023

DMI Allows Magnon-Magnon Coupling in Hybrid Perovskites

Researchers created a mixed magnon state in an organic hybrid perovskite material, which could have implications for quantum computing. 

Graphic shows process of achieving superflorescence at room temperature.

Aug 29, 2022

‘Naturally Insulating’ Material Emits Pulses of Superfluorescent Light at Room Temperature

Work could lead to the development of faster microchips, neurosensors and quantum computing materials. 

Madhusudan Madhavan holds his diploma at the base of the Belltower.

Jul 27, 2022

Teen Wolfpack: Young Graduate Makes History

It all adds up for applied mathematics major Madhusudan Madhavan, who scores a 4.0 GPA while becoming only the third 16-year-old to earn an NC State degree in the past quarter century. 

NC State gateway at sunset

Jun 13, 2022

Understanding Room Temperature Superconductivity

Lex Kemper discusses attempts to untangle the secrets of superconducting material YBCO. 

Lensed galaxy

Jun 1, 2022

Podcast: Galactic Nurseries

Rongmon Bordoloi talks about how galaxies are created. 

Lensed galaxy

May 18, 2022

Researchers Use Galaxy as a ‘Cosmic Telescope’ to Study Heart of the Young Universe

A new instrument and powerful telescope have let researchers peer into galactic nurseries.