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Gregg Goes Mad Before Move

Jump in your hovercraft and head over to the Gregg Museum of Art and Design next month to see the final exhibitions on display before the museum closes its doors and moves to the historic chancellor’s residence on Hillsborough Street. The exhibits are sure to amaze and delight. They include:

  • Farfetched – Mad Science, Fringe Architecture and Visionary Engineering
  • Humanature: Photographs of the Unnatural World by Peter Goin

To make the experience even more memorable, Friends of the Gregg and the NCSU Foundation invite faculty and staff to a special reception and exhibition viewing from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 18, on the second floor of the Talley Student Center – the museum’s home for the past two decades.

The event includes a brief talk by museum Director Roger Manley about the upcoming move, a look at the Freelon Group’s plans for the new museum space and complimentary wine and hors d’oeuvres.

RSVP by Monday, Feb. 10, by calling 515-3503 or by sending an email to