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Matt Shipman

photo of an industrial landscape with large smokestacks billowing white clouds

Jun 5, 2024

Climate Change Will Make Air Pollution Worse. Here’s How.

The study finds climate change is likely to make upward spikes of ozone at ground level worse by 2050. 

image shows an orderly array of blue cubes, with a network of silver spheres descending from it

May 29, 2024

Researchers Create Materials With Unique Combo of Stiffness, Thermal Insulation

This combination of properties is extremely unusual and holds promise for applications such as thermal insulation coatings for electronics. 

image shows a hand holding a smartphone in silhouette

May 28, 2024

Study Sheds Light on Shady World of Text Message Phishing Scams

The work also outlines techniques that can be used to collect additional data on phishing activities, and identifies avenues that law enforcement can use to address phishing operations. 

photo shows a hitch-shaped machine part clamped in a large device. a probe that is tipped with a small red sphere sits just above the machine part.

May 14, 2024

New Technique Improves Finishing Time for 3D-Printed Machine Parts

The technique allows users to identify potential flaws without having to remove printed parts from the manufacturing equipment, making production time more efficient. 

photo shows an alarm clock next to a calendar

May 13, 2024

Daylight Saving Time Spells Bad News for Healthy Habits

Researchers found the onset of daylight saving time is associated with increased consumption of processed snack foods and fewer trips to the gym. 

photo shows a laptop computer on a desk, streaming code

May 9, 2024

New Tool Pinpoints Security Fixes in Open-Source Software Updates

The tool makes it easier for programmers to determine which security updates are necessary to prevent vulnerabilities without having to make unnecessary changes to code. 

a Kenyan woman is seen in silhouette in the gloaming

May 7, 2024

Business-Focused Anti-Poverty Initiatives Can Have Unintended Consequences

A new study of small businesses created to address poverty found the entrepreneurial model could create social discontent in communities. 

photo shows a gradeschool-aged boy wearing a virtual reality headset

May 6, 2024

VR Poses Privacy Risks for Kids. A New Study Finds Parents Aren’t as Worried as They Should Be.

The study also found few parents are taking active steps to address security and privacy issues, such as using parental controls built into VR apps. 

photo includes two images. The first shows a bunch of black wires sticking up from a white substrate and leaning right. The second shows the wires leaning left.

Apr 24, 2024

Researchers Show It’s Possible to Teach Old Magnetic Cilia New Tricks

Researchers have demonstrated a technique for creating magnetic cilia that can be “reprogrammed” to change the motion of the cilia as needed. 

a car splashes through floodwaters on a roadway

Apr 23, 2024

‘Sunny Day Flooding’ Increases Fecal Contamination of Coastal Waters

The findings suggest public health officials should be aware of potential risks associated with tidal flooding. 

image shows three diagrams of a life cycle. One is circular and shows multiple offspring; one is circular and shows a sinigle offspring; one is linear and shows multiple offspring

Apr 17, 2024

In Life Cycle Diagrams, Small Changes Make a Big Difference

A new study finds simple changes in life cycle diagrams can improve student understanding of key biology concepts. 

illustration shows platelets (white blobs) and red blood cells clotting at the site of a puncture in a blood vessel.

Apr 11, 2024

Synthetic Platelets Stanch Bleeding, Promote Healing in Animal Models

Researchers have developed synthetic platelets that can be used to stop bleeding and enhance healing at the site of an injury. 

a young woman works on a computer while an older woman looks over her shoulder

Apr 8, 2024

Senior Staff Give More Constructive Feedback When They Think They’ll Work With You Again

The findings are relevant to any company where on-the-job training is important for developing a skilled workforce. 

photo shows a black person in white labcoat marked with the letters MD, PhD. The person has a stethoscope around their neck and is holding a smartphone.

Apr 4, 2024

What You Do and Don’t Know About Racial Inequities in Health Care Can Hurt You

The extent to which people understand existing racial inequities in access to health care can have an effect on how white and Black people view their own health. 

image shows a graduation mortarboard cap being thrown in the air against a blue sky backdrop

Apr 3, 2024

Are Universities Connected to Local Sustainability? A New Study Suggests Yes…and No.

Universities scoring strongly on measures of sustainability are associated with innovation and economic growth – but not environmental sustainability – in their home communities.