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Agriculture and Life Sciences

Jan 24, 2017

Barrangou Wins NAS Award

CRISPR pioneer Rodolphe Barrangou garners another prestigious award for his work on the system that uses a molecular scalpel to edit genes. 

Jan 1, 2017

Researchers Crack Genetic Code Determining Leaf Shape in Cotton

Researchers find gene responsible for major leaf shapes in upland cotton. 

Dec 28, 2016

Study Provides Evidence on Movement of Potato Famine Pathogen

Before it devastated Ireland, the pathogen that causes potato late blight set up shop in the United States. The pathogen's movement and evolution is the focus of an NC State study. 

Dec 7, 2016

Renowned Chef Howard Speaks on Campus

Award-winning chef, TV personality, author and NC State alumna Vivian Howard will return to campus Dec. 15 to deliver the annual Eloise S. Cofer Lecture on connecting food, family and community. She will also participate in a book signing earlier in the day in the Coastal Ballroom of the Talley Student Union. Both events are free and open to the public. 

Dec 1, 2016

Study: Restaurants Not Good At Explaining Risks of Undercooked Meat to Customers

A recent study finds restaurants don’t do an effective job of communicating with customers when it comes to addressing risks associated with eating undercooked meat – specifically hamburgers. 

Nov 1, 2016

Study Highlights Diversity of Arthropods Found in Homes Across the United States – From Swabs of Dust

Researchers used DNA testing and citizen science to create an “atlas” that shows the range and diversity of arthropods found in homes across the continental United States. 

Oct 5, 2016

Urban Warming Slows Tree Growth, Photosynthesis

New research finds that urban warming reduces growth and photosynthesis in city trees. The researchers found that insect pests are part of the problem, but that heat itself plays a more significant role. 

Sep 13, 2016

Study Reveals Soil Influence on Well Water Manganese Levels

Levels of a dangerous heavy metal are above water-quality standards for more than 1 million southeastern Piedmont residents. NC State researchers get to the bottom (and the top) of the problem. 

Sep 8, 2016

Gates Grant Helps NC State Solve Molecular Mysteries

The effort to defeat a key African food crop disease gets a boost from a $2.15 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

Sep 1, 2016

It’s a Boy: Modified Male Flies Could More Efficiently Control Screwworm Population

Suppressing populations of devastating pests may be easier with the release of genetically modified males. 

Aug 24, 2016

Nutrition Matters: Stress From Migratory Beekeeping May Be Eased by Access to Food

Traveling presents challenges for honey bees used to pollinate crops, but research shows that some of these challenges can be mitigated by providing other food sources while bees are on the road. 

Aug 12, 2016

$45 Million Golden LEAF Grant Boosts NC State’s Plant Sciences Initiative

NC State's Plant Sciences Initiative gets a big boost from a $45 million grant from the Golden LEAF Foundation. 

Aug 1, 2016

Study: Bioenergy Decisions Involve Wildlife Habitat and Land Use Trade-offs

New research finds that choosing how to meet bioenergy goals means making trade-offs about which wildlife species and ecosystems will be most impacted. 

Jul 14, 2016

Cleaning Up Brownfield Sites Benefits Environment, Nearby Property Values

Cleaning up contaminated properties can benefit more than just the environment, according to recently published research. 

Jun 29, 2016

Expanding Outreach to Support Bees and Other Pollinators

A lot of people want to know what they can do to help bees – and a new initiative at NC State is aimed at helping to meet that demand.