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college of agriculture and life sciences

Oct 8, 2010

Board of Governors Honors Walden

Economist Michael L. Walden accepted the Award for Excellence in Public Service today from the Board of Governors for the University of North Carolina system. UNC President Erskine Bowles and committee chairman Charles Hayes presented Walden with the award, which includes a $7,500 cash prize. 

Oct 1, 2010

Schiavinato Wins Conservation Award

Lisa Schiavinato, co-director of the North Carolina Coastal Resources Law, Planning and Policy Center, won a Governor's Conservation Achievement Award. 

Sep 27, 2010

CSI Dublin

Plant pathologists are out to stop a killer that claimed a million lives in the 1840s and still poses a threat to food security. A U.S. Botanic Garden exhibit highlights Dr. Jean Ristaino's research on the Irish potato famine. 

Sep 17, 2010

Garden Expert Back on Air

Gardeners can look forward to spending a half-hour indoors this fall. “In the Garden with Bryce Lane,”  hosted by an NC State expert, has returned to WUNC-TV for its eighth season. 

Sep 9, 2010

Faculty Win Animal Science Awards

The American Society of Animal Science honored Drs. Ken Esbenshade and Jack Odle with top awards this summer. 

Sep 8, 2010

All Species Strange and Small

In the latest issue of National Geographic, biologist Rob Dunn makes the case for why it's the age of insects—and has been for the last 300 million years. 

Aug 30, 2010

Fuentes Appointed Editor

Dr. Montserrat Fuentes has been appointed editor of the Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics

Aug 19, 2010

The Bee Team

NC State's Jennifer Keller helped end a standoff between a Wake County deputy and thousands of bees. It was all in a day's work for the agricultural research technician, who tends more than 80 hives. 

Aug 6, 2010

Not Your Mom’s 4-H

NC Cooperative Extension and 4-H - the nation's largest youth organization and the only one based at land-grant institutions like NC State - worked with Trading Spaces designer Edward Walker to develop a design contest for 4-H'ers interested in similar careers, encouraging their ambition while helping to change public perception of 4-H - a group that does so much more than livestock exhibitions. 

Jul 29, 2010

Bilderback to Direct Arboretum

Dr. Ted Bilderback, a horticultural science professor, has been named director of the J.C. Raulston Arboretum. 

Jul 21, 2010

Leadership Program, Faculty Win

NC State’s Leadership in Agriculture and Life Sciences program was honored as outstanding leadership program at a national conference. 

Jul 19, 2010

CALS Faculty Recognized

Faculty members in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences picked up slew of honors from the North American Colleges of Teachers of Agriculture. 

Jul 14, 2010

Keepin’ it Green

As the summer sun bears down on the lush grasses blanketing some of our nation's top athletic facilities, it's NC State graduates like John Turnour ('01) who are getting the call in hopes of keeping what's green from turning brown - saving their bosses considerable green of their own in the process. 

Jul 13, 2010

Klaenhammer Wins Metchnikoff Prize

Dr. Todd Klaenhammer is one of three winners of the 2010 Elie Metchnikoff Prize, given by the International Dairy Foundation and its partners to celebrate scientific discoveries. 

Jul 12, 2010

Blue Ribbon Barbecue

For the die-hard North Carolina barbecue lover, there is no in-between. It’s either eastern vinegar-based or western tomato-based sauce. But NC State students proved that east and west can be a winning combination.