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mechanical and aerospace engineering

A B-2 Spirit (stealth) bomber is silhouetted against the clouds.

May 18, 2021

How a Tougher Skin Could Change the Shape of Stealth Aircraft

A new material promises to make stealth aircraft even stealthier. 

human hand and robotic hand touching via a liquid surface

Apr 29, 2021

New Law of Physics Helps Humans and Robots Grasp the Friction of Touch

The law governs friction that occurs when two solid surfaces come into contact with a thin layer of fluid between them. 

NC State Belltower lit from below with red lighting.

Apr 22, 2021

Students Win Prestigious Goldwater Scholarships

Two NC State students have been awarded Goldwater Scholarships, joining the ranks of the brightest undergraduate researchers in the nation. 

Goldwater Scholar Andrew Mistele in front of an airplane near the Engineering buildings on Centennial Campus

Apr 21, 2021

Winging His Way to Success

Andrew Mistele, an aerospace engineering student — and now Goldwater Scholar — is conducting research that could lead to improvements in fields such as energy efficiency and drone design. 

diagram of a solar-powered greenhouse

Mar 17, 2021

Study Finds Plants Would Grow Well in Solar Cell Greenhouses

You can definitely grow plants (and make electricity) in a greenhouse made of see-through solar panels. 

Diagram of the nanodroplet and ultrasound drill at work.

Jan 7, 2021

Nanodroplets and Ultrasound ‘Drills’ Prove Effective at Tackling Tough Blood Clots

The new technique was designed to break up particularly tough blood clots. 

healthcare workers use ultrasound connected to a smartphone in an emergency room

Nov 30, 2020

Ultrasound and the Future of Medical Imaging

How, and why, ultrasound may become a key tool for lung health. 

Oct 15, 2020

Ultrasound Technique Offers More Precise, Quantified Assessments of Lung Health

New ultrasound technique offers non-invasive assessments of lung health. 

illustration of a robotic jellyfish

Jul 1, 2020

Jellyfish-Inspired Soft Robots Can Outswim Their Natural Counterparts

Researchers make faster, more powerful soft robots -- including an exceptionally fast robotic jellyfish. 

diagram shows how soft robot design was inspired by cheetahs

May 8, 2020

Inspired by Cheetahs, Researchers Build Fastest Soft Robots Yet

Inspired by the biomechanics of cheetahs, researchers have developed a faster soft robot. 

fabric sleeve that is also a video game controller

Apr 30, 2020

‘Breathable’ Electronics Pave the Way for More Functional Wearable Tech

Stretchable electronic material can 'breathe' – making it more comfortable for users. 

Two images of composite metal foam

Mar 19, 2020

Pool Fire Testing Moves Composite Metal Foams Closer to Widespread Applications

Study finds composite metal foams can handle the heat. A lot of heat. 

diagram of a greenhouse with translucent solar panels on the roof.

Feb 7, 2020

Next Generation of Greenhouses May Be Fully Solar Powered

Many greenhouses could become energy neutral by using see-through solar panels to harvest energy. 

series of photos showing simple, self-folding robots

Dec 16, 2019

Researchers Make Robots From Self-Folding Kirigami Materials

Researchers have demonstrated a new way to make robots. 

composite metal foam with a ruler for scale

Oct 21, 2019

Composite Metal Foam Outperforms Aluminum for Use in Aircraft Wings

Metal foam outperforms aluminum for use in airplane wings.