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Agriculture and Life Sciences

Jul 24, 2017

Researchers Find Corn Gene Conferring Resistance to Multiple Plant Leaf Diseases

A specific gene in corn appears to be associated with resistance to two and possibly three different plant leaf diseases. 

Jul 19, 2017

Notes from Tanzania: Lessons from the Field

Some lessons learned from a student doing research on crop disease in Tanzania. 

Jul 17, 2017

Tackling Cassava Mosaic Disease: One Week in Tanzania

A student writes about her fieldwork in Tanzania, tackling a crop disease that threatens millions. 

Jul 7, 2017

Neutrons Run Enzyme’s Reactivity for Better Biofuel Production

NC State and Oak Ridge National Lab researchers identify a reaction that could lead to improved biofuel production processes and lower costs. 

Jul 6, 2017

Studying a Disease in Order to Prevent Starvation

Research into a disease that affects cassava crops aims to prevent starvation for millions in Africa. 

Jun 26, 2017

Hot Cities Spell Bad News for Bees

A new study finds that common wild bee species decline as urban temperatures increase. 

Jun 13, 2017

Monarch Revival

Milkweed planted on Lonnie Poole Golf Course should help struggling monarch butterfly populations. 

May 17, 2017

The Boll Weevil War, or How Farmers and Scientists Saved Cotton in the South

The boll weevil is not much to look at, but it was powerful enough to forge an unprecedented partnership between farmers, legislators and scientists. 

May 3, 2017

‘Princess Pheromone’ Tells Ants Which Larvae Are Destined to Be Queens

For Indian jumping ants (Harpegnathos saltator), becoming royalty is all about timing. 

Apr 12, 2017

NAS Committee Responds to Critique of Gene Engineering Report

NC State's Fred Gould, who led a National Academies committee that issued a 2016 report on genetically engineered crops, pens a letter in Nature Biotechnology to respond to a report critique. 

Apr 3, 2017

Study IDs Ways to Encourage ‘Refuge’ Planting, Slowing Resistance to Bt Crops

A study finds a shortfall in the amount of “refuge” cropland being planted in NC – increasing the rate at which crop pests evolve the ability to devour genetically engineered Bt crops. 

Mar 30, 2017

The Importance of Seeds: a Q&A with Rob Dunn

There is little genetic diversity among the crops that are most important for feeding people around the world. Rob Dunn's new book explores this issue and why it matters. 

Mar 27, 2017

Cookbooks Give Readers (Mostly) Bad Advice On Food Safety

A recent study finds bestselling cookbooks offer readers little useful advice about food safety, and much of the advice they do provide is inaccurate and not based on sound science. 

Mar 9, 2017

Study: Health Agencies Need Clear Rules for Disclosing Foodborne Illness Outbreaks

Food safety researchers are calling on public health agencies to develop clear guidelines on when to inform the public about foodborne illness outbreaks – something which is often handled on an ad hoc basis at the local, state and federal levels. 

Feb 3, 2017

‘Great Pumpkin Project’ Recruits Citizen Scientists to Document Agricultural Biodiversity

A team of biology researchers is recruiting citizen scientists to participate in a study of which microbes and insects visit the same crop plants around the world.