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Brent Winter

A found wallet photographed on the ground, and another found wallet displayed in the Gregg Museum.

Feb 19, 2019

Artist Documents the Undocumented

Susan Harbage Page's photographs and found objects from the U.S.-Mexico border constitute an 'anti-archive of trauma.' 

Photo of NC State's Belltower

Jan 31, 2019

Diversity in Law Enforcement: 5 Questions With Raleigh’s Chief of Police

Raleigh's chief of police, who earned a graduate degree from NC State, says diversity and community engagement are keys to effective policing. 

J. Mark Scearce, professor of art and design, sits at a piano.

Oct 25, 2018

Faculty Strengthen Communities Through Extension and Engagement

J. Mark Scearce, professor of art and design, created a new original score for Dracula as a special commission for the Carolina Ballet, helping bring in crucial revenue for the nonprofit arts organization. 

Panels of artwork cover two walls in the Gregg Museum of Art & Design.

Oct 11, 2018

Jazz Converges With Math and Painting in New Exhibit

The newest Gregg Museum exhibit, 'All the Possibilities of Filling in Sixteenths (65,536),' showcases the work of Durham artist and jazz saxophonist Vernon Pratt. It opens Oct. 11. 

The collaborative artwork Burn Your Candle Into Another World, created by Howard Finster and other participants in the Mountain Lake Workshop, depicting people, an angel, and animals.

Aug 23, 2018

Rural Setting Fosters Avant-Garde Art Exhibit

Collaborative and experimental artworks by world-famous artists will be displayed in Rural Avant-Garde: The Mountain Lake Experience, an exhibition at the Gregg Museum of Art & Design. 

A bat box stands on the Rocky Branch Greenway Trail near Pullen Road on NC State's campus.

Apr 26, 2018

Evicted Bats Get New Digs on Campus

After University Transportation ousted a colony of bats from a campus parking deck, a group of faculty and staff collaborated to find the bats a new home. 

The Raleigh Civic Symphony plays a concert.

Apr 18, 2018

Spring Concert to Celebrate N.C. Composers

The Raleigh Civic Symphony, a program of NC State’s Department of Music, will celebrate the music of North Carolina composers in a concert on Sunday, April 22, in Stewart Theatre. 

A statue of Martin Luther King Jr. in Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

Apr 5, 2018

Concert Marks 50th Anniversary of MLK’s Death

The Raleigh Civic Chamber Orchestra, a program of NC State’s Department of Music, will celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. by performing an evening of music by African-American composers in Stewart Theatre. The concert will include the world premiere of Sinfonietta of Dreams, a piece specially commissioned for this event. 

Ormond Sanderson's Metamorphosis (1963 — enamels on etched copper, basse-taille technique).

Mar 15, 2018

Duo Presents Modern-Art Masterworks

Modern-art pioneers Robert K. Black and J. Ormond Sanderson Jr. will display their own work and items from their collection in Design Duet, an exhibition at the Gregg Museum of Art & Design. 

Feb 15, 2018

Educator Dubroy to Discuss Xenophobia and Inclusivity

Tashni-Ann Dubroy, executive vice president and COO of Howard University, will deliver the 2018 Humanities and Social Sciences Diversity Lecture on Thursday, Feb. 22. 

Feb 1, 2018

Piano/Visual Recital Takes Off for Stars

Experience the fruits of a creative collaboration of NC State faculty at a recital inspired by the vastness and beauty of the cosmos. 

Nov 10, 2017

Data Detectives Track Down Stray Nukes

Universities and labs come together to stop the illegal proliferation of nuclear weapons. 

Students with the NC State Dance Program perform on stage.

Nov 8, 2017

Dance Program Hosts 2017 Fall Concert

The NC State Dance Program hosts its fall concert on Nov. 16-17. The concert will present a variety of dance styles, including hip-hop, modern, salsa and bhangra. 

Aug 24, 2017

Gregg Museum Reveals First-Class Renovation

The Gregg Museum reopens this weekend in its new complex on Hillsborough Street. Director Roger Manley explains how the museum grew from an informal collection into an impressive home for the arts. 

Aug 23, 2017

Faculty Rockers Pay Tribute to Led Zeppelin

Five members of the NC State faculty are part of the Quadrivium Project, a Led Zeppelin tribute band that will perform two shows at Stewart Theatre this weekend.